Long-running operations

When you invoke a long-running operation, the SDK provides a high-level API to trigger these operations and wait for the related entities to reach the correct state or return the error message in case of failure. All long-running operations return generic Wait instance with result() method to get a result of long-running operation, once it’s finished. Databricks SDK for Python picks the most reasonable default timeouts for every method, but sometimes you may find yourself in a situation, where you’d want to provide datetime.timedelta() as the value of timeout argument to result() method.

There are a number of long-running operations in Databricks APIs such as managing:

  • Clusters,

  • Command execution

  • Jobs

  • Libraries

  • Delta Live Tables pipelines

  • Databricks SQL warehouses.

For example, in the Clusters API, once you create a cluster, you receive a cluster ID, and the cluster is in the PENDING state Meanwhile Databricks takes care of provisioning virtual machines from the cloud provider in the background. The cluster is only usable in the RUNNING state and so you have to wait for that state to be reached.

Another example is the API for running a job or repairing the run: right after the run starts, the run is in the PENDING state. The job is only considered to be finished when it is in either the TERMINATED or SKIPPED state. Also you would likely need the error message if the long-running operation times out and fails with an error code. Other times you may want to configure a custom timeout other than the default of 20 minutes.

In the following example, w.clusters.create returns ClusterInfo only once the cluster is in the RUNNING state, otherwise it will timeout in 10 minutes:

import datetime
import logging
from databricks.sdk import WorkspaceClient
w = WorkspaceClient()
info = w.clusters.create(cluster_name='Created cluster',
logging.info(f'Created: {info}')

Please look at the examples/starting_job_and_waiting.py for a more advanced usage:

import datetime
import logging
import time
from databricks.sdk import WorkspaceClient
import databricks.sdk.service.jobs as j
w = WorkspaceClient()
# create a dummy file on DBFS that just sleeps for 10 seconds
py_on_dbfs = f'/home/{w.current_user.me().user_name}/sample.py'
with w.dbfs.open(py_on_dbfs, write=True, overwrite=True) as f:
    f.write(b'import time; time.sleep(10); print("Hello, World!")')
# trigger one-time-run job and get waiter object
waiter = w.jobs.submit(run_name=f'py-sdk-run-{time.time()}', tasks=[
logging.info(f'starting to poll: {waiter.run_id}')
# callback, that receives a polled entity between state updates
def print_status(run: j.Run):
    statuses = [f'{t.task_key}: {t.state.life_cycle_state}' for t in run.tasks]
    logging.info(f'workflow intermediate status: {", ".join(statuses)}')
# If you want to perform polling in a separate thread, process, or service,
# you can use w.jobs.wait_get_run_job_terminated_or_skipped(
#   run_id=waiter.run_id,
#   timeout=datetime.timedelta(minutes=15),
#   callback=print_status) to achieve the same results.
# Waiter interface allows for `w.jobs.submit(..).result()` simplicity in
# the scenarios, where you need to block the calling thread for the job to finish.
run = waiter.result(timeout=datetime.timedelta(minutes=15),
logging.info(f'job finished: {run.run_page_url}')