Workspace Client

class databricks.sdk.WorkspaceClient

The WorkspaceClient is a client for the workspace-level Databricks REST API.

property config: Config
property api_client: ApiClient
property dbutils: RemoteDbUtils
property account_access_control_proxy: AccountAccessControlProxyAPI

These APIs manage access rules on resources in an account.

property alerts: AlertsAPI

The alerts API can be used to perform CRUD operations on alerts.

property apps: AppsAPI

Apps run directly on a customer’s Databricks instance, integrate with their data, use and extend Databricks services, and enable users to interact through single sign-on.

property artifact_allowlists: ArtifactAllowlistsAPI

In Databricks Runtime 13.3 and above, you can add libraries and init scripts to the allowlist in UC so that users can leverage these artifacts on compute configured with shared access mode.

property catalogs: CatalogsAPI

A catalog is the first layer of Unity Catalog’s three-level namespace.

property clean_rooms: CleanRoomsAPI

A clean room is a secure, privacy-protecting environment where two or more parties can share sensitive enterprise data, including customer data, for measurements, insights, activation and other use cases.

property cluster_policies: ClusterPoliciesAPI

You can use cluster policies to control users’ ability to configure clusters based on a set of rules.

property clusters: ClustersExt

The Clusters API allows you to create, start, edit, list, terminate, and delete clusters.

property command_execution: CommandExecutionAPI

This API allows execution of Python, Scala, SQL, or R commands on running Databricks Clusters.

property connections: ConnectionsAPI

Connections allow for creating a connection to an external data source.

property consumer_fulfillments: ConsumerFulfillmentsAPI

Fulfillments are entities that allow consumers to preview installations.

property consumer_installations: ConsumerInstallationsAPI

Installations are entities that allow consumers to interact with Databricks Marketplace listings.

property consumer_listings: ConsumerListingsAPI

Listings are the core entities in the Marketplace.

property consumer_personalization_requests: ConsumerPersonalizationRequestsAPI

Personalization Requests allow customers to interact with the individualized Marketplace listing flow.

property consumer_providers: ConsumerProvidersAPI

Providers are the entities that publish listings to the Marketplace.

property credentials_manager: CredentialsManagerAPI

Credentials manager interacts with with Identity Providers to to perform token exchanges using stored credentials and refresh tokens.

property current_user: CurrentUserAPI

This API allows retrieving information about currently authenticated user or service principal.

property dashboard_widgets: DashboardWidgetsAPI

This is an evolving API that facilitates the addition and removal of widgets from existing dashboards within the Databricks Workspace.

property dashboards: DashboardsAPI

In general, there is little need to modify dashboards using the API.

property data_sources: DataSourcesAPI

This API is provided to assist you in making new query objects.

property dbfs: DbfsExt

DBFS API makes it simple to interact with various data sources without having to include a users credentials every time to read a file.

property dbsql_permissions: DbsqlPermissionsAPI

The SQL Permissions API is similar to the endpoints of the :method:permissions/set.

property experiments: ExperimentsAPI

Experiments are the primary unit of organization in MLflow; all MLflow runs belong to an experiment.

property external_locations: ExternalLocationsAPI

An external location is an object that combines a cloud storage path with a storage credential that authorizes access to the cloud storage path.

property files: FilesAPI

The Files API is a standard HTTP API that allows you to read, write, list, and delete files and directories by referring to their URI.

property functions: FunctionsAPI

Functions implement User-Defined Functions (UDFs) in Unity Catalog.

property git_credentials: GitCredentialsAPI

Registers personal access token for Databricks to do operations on behalf of the user.

property global_init_scripts: GlobalInitScriptsAPI

The Global Init Scripts API enables Workspace administrators to configure global initialization scripts for their workspace.

property grants: GrantsAPI

In Unity Catalog, data is secure by default.

property groups: GroupsAPI

Groups simplify identity management, making it easier to assign access to Databricks workspace, data, and other securable objects.

property instance_pools: InstancePoolsAPI

Instance Pools API are used to create, edit, delete and list instance pools by using ready-to-use cloud instances which reduces a cluster start and auto-scaling times.

property instance_profiles: InstanceProfilesAPI

The Instance Profiles API allows admins to add, list, and remove instance profiles that users can launch clusters with.

property ip_access_lists: IpAccessListsAPI

IP Access List enables admins to configure IP access lists.

property jobs: JobsAPI

The Jobs API allows you to create, edit, and delete jobs.

property lakehouse_monitors: LakehouseMonitorsAPI

A monitor computes and monitors data or model quality metrics for a table over time.

property lakeview: LakeviewAPI

These APIs provide specific management operations for Lakeview dashboards.

property libraries: LibrariesAPI

The Libraries API allows you to install and uninstall libraries and get the status of libraries on a cluster.

property metastores: MetastoresAPI

A metastore is the top-level container of objects in Unity Catalog.

property model_registry: ModelRegistryAPI

Note: This API reference documents APIs for the Workspace Model Registry.

property model_versions: ModelVersionsAPI

Databricks provides a hosted version of MLflow Model Registry in Unity Catalog.

property online_tables: OnlineTablesAPI

Online tables provide lower latency and higher QPS access to data from Delta tables.

property permission_migration: PermissionMigrationAPI

This spec contains undocumented permission migration APIs used in

property permissions: PermissionsAPI

Permissions API are used to create read, write, edit, update and manage access for various users on different objects and endpoints.

property pipelines: PipelinesAPI

The Delta Live Tables API allows you to create, edit, delete, start, and view details about pipelines.

property policy_families: PolicyFamiliesAPI

View available policy families.

property provider_exchange_filters: ProviderExchangeFiltersAPI

Marketplace exchanges filters curate which groups can access an exchange.

property provider_exchanges: ProviderExchangesAPI

Marketplace exchanges allow providers to share their listings with a curated set of customers.

property provider_files: ProviderFilesAPI

Marketplace offers a set of file APIs for various purposes such as preview notebooks and provider icons.

property provider_listings: ProviderListingsAPI

Listings are the core entities in the Marketplace.

property provider_personalization_requests: ProviderPersonalizationRequestsAPI

Personalization requests are an alternate to instantly available listings.

property provider_provider_analytics_dashboards: ProviderProviderAnalyticsDashboardsAPI

Manage templated analytics solution for providers.

property provider_providers: ProviderProvidersAPI

Providers are entities that manage assets in Marketplace.

property providers: ProvidersAPI

A data provider is an object representing the organization in the real world who shares the data.

property queries: QueriesAPI

These endpoints are used for CRUD operations on query definitions.

property query_history: QueryHistoryAPI

Access the history of queries through SQL warehouses.

property query_visualizations: QueryVisualizationsAPI

This is an evolving API that facilitates the addition and removal of vizualisations from existing queries within the Databricks Workspace.

property recipient_activation: RecipientActivationAPI

The Recipient Activation API is only applicable in the open sharing model where the recipient object has the authentication type of TOKEN.

property recipients: RecipientsAPI

A recipient is an object you create using :method:recipients/create to represent an organization which you want to allow access shares.

property registered_models: RegisteredModelsAPI

Databricks provides a hosted version of MLflow Model Registry in Unity Catalog.

property repos: ReposAPI

The Repos API allows users to manage their git repos.

property schemas: SchemasAPI

A schema (also called a database) is the second layer of Unity Catalog’s three-level namespace.

property secrets: SecretsAPI

The Secrets API allows you to manage secrets, secret scopes, and access permissions.

property service_principals: ServicePrincipalsAPI

Identities for use with jobs, automated tools, and systems such as scripts, apps, and CI/CD platforms.

property serving_endpoints: ServingEndpointsAPI

The Serving Endpoints API allows you to create, update, and delete model serving endpoints.

property settings: SettingsAPI

Workspace Settings API allows users to manage settings at the workspace level.

property shares: SharesAPI

A share is a container instantiated with :method:shares/create.

property statement_execution: StatementExecutionAPI

The Databricks SQL Statement Execution API can be used to execute SQL statements on a SQL warehouse and fetch the result.

property storage_credentials: StorageCredentialsAPI

A storage credential represents an authentication and authorization mechanism for accessing data stored on your cloud tenant.

property system_schemas: SystemSchemasAPI

A system schema is a schema that lives within the system catalog.

property table_constraints: TableConstraintsAPI

Primary key and foreign key constraints encode relationships between fields in tables.

property tables: TablesAPI

A table resides in the third layer of Unity Catalog’s three-level namespace.

property token_management: TokenManagementAPI

Enables administrators to get all tokens and delete tokens for other users.

property tokens: TokensAPI

The Token API allows you to create, list, and revoke tokens that can be used to authenticate and access Databricks REST APIs.

property users: UsersAPI

User identities recognized by Databricks and represented by email addresses.

property vector_search_endpoints: VectorSearchEndpointsAPI

Endpoint: Represents the compute resources to host vector search indexes.

property vector_search_indexes: VectorSearchIndexesAPI

Index: An efficient representation of your embedding vectors that supports real-time and efficient approximate nearest neighbor (ANN) search queries.

property volumes: VolumesAPI

Volumes are a Unity Catalog (UC) capability for accessing, storing, governing, organizing and processing files.

property warehouses: WarehousesAPI

A SQL warehouse is a compute resource that lets you run SQL commands on data objects within Databricks SQL.

property workspace: WorkspaceExt

The Workspace API allows you to list, import, export, and delete notebooks and folders.

property workspace_bindings: WorkspaceBindingsAPI

A securable in Databricks can be configured as __OPEN__ or __ISOLATED__.

property workspace_conf: WorkspaceConfAPI

This API allows updating known workspace settings for advanced users.

get_workspace_id() int

Get the workspace ID of the workspace that this client is connected to.