w.query_history: Query History

class databricks.sdk.service.sql.QueryHistoryAPI

Access the history of queries through SQL warehouses.

list([, filter_by: Optional[QueryFilter], include_metrics: Optional[bool], max_results: Optional[int], page_token: Optional[str]]) Iterator[QueryInfo]


from databricks.sdk import WorkspaceClient
from databricks.sdk.service import sql

w = WorkspaceClient()

_ = w.query_history.list(filter_by=sql.QueryFilter(
    query_start_time_range=sql.TimeRange(start_time_ms=1690243200000, end_time_ms=1690329600000)))

List Queries.

List the history of queries through SQL warehouses.

You can filter by user ID, warehouse ID, status, and time range.

  • filter_byQueryFilter (optional) A filter to limit query history results. This field is optional.

  • include_metrics – bool (optional) Whether to include metrics about query.

  • max_results – int (optional) Limit the number of results returned in one page. The default is 100.

  • page_token – str (optional) A token that can be used to get the next page of results. The token can contains characters that need to be encoded before using it in a URL. For example, the character ‘+’ needs to be replaced by %2B.


Iterator over QueryInfo