w.global_init_scripts: Global Init Scripts

class databricks.sdk.service.compute.GlobalInitScriptsAPI

The Global Init Scripts API enables Workspace administrators to configure global initialization scripts for their workspace. These scripts run on every node in every cluster in the workspace.

Important: Existing clusters must be restarted to pick up any changes made to global init scripts. Global init scripts are run in order. If the init script returns with a bad exit code, the Apache Spark container fails to launch and init scripts with later position are skipped. If enough containers fail, the entire cluster fails with a GLOBAL_INIT_SCRIPT_FAILURE error code.

create(name: str, script: str [, enabled: Optional[bool], position: Optional[int]]) CreateResponse


import base64
import time

from databricks.sdk import WorkspaceClient

w = WorkspaceClient()

created = w.global_init_scripts.create(name=f'sdk-{time.time_ns()}',
                                       script=base64.b64encode(("echo 1").encode()).decode(),

# cleanup

Create init script.

Creates a new global init script in this workspace.

  • name – str The name of the script

  • script – str The Base64-encoded content of the script.

  • enabled – bool (optional) Specifies whether the script is enabled. The script runs only if enabled.

  • position

    int (optional) The position of a global init script, where 0 represents the first script to run, 1 is the second script to run, in ascending order.

    If you omit the numeric position for a new global init script, it defaults to last position. It will run after all current scripts. Setting any value greater than the position of the last script is equivalent to the last position. Example: Take three existing scripts with positions 0, 1, and 2. Any position of (3) or greater puts the script in the last position. If an explicit position value conflicts with an existing script value, your request succeeds, but the original script at that position and all later scripts have their positions incremented by 1.



delete(script_id: str)

Delete init script.

Deletes a global init script.


script_id – str The ID of the global init script.

get(script_id: str) GlobalInitScriptDetailsWithContent


import base64
import time

from databricks.sdk import WorkspaceClient

w = WorkspaceClient()

created = w.global_init_scripts.create(name=f'sdk-{time.time_ns()}',
                                       script=base64.b64encode(("echo 1").encode()).decode(),

by_id = w.global_init_scripts.get(script_id=created.script_id)

# cleanup

Get an init script.

Gets all the details of a script, including its Base64-encoded contents.


script_id – str The ID of the global init script.



list() Iterator[GlobalInitScriptDetails]


from databricks.sdk import WorkspaceClient

w = WorkspaceClient()

all = w.global_init_scripts.list()

Get init scripts.

Get a list of all global init scripts for this workspace. This returns all properties for each script but not the script contents. To retrieve the contents of a script, use the [get a global init script](:method:globalinitscripts/get) operation.


Iterator over GlobalInitScriptDetails

update(script_id: str, name: str, script: str [, enabled: Optional[bool], position: Optional[int]])


import base64
import time

from databricks.sdk import WorkspaceClient

w = WorkspaceClient()

created = w.global_init_scripts.create(name=f'sdk-{time.time_ns()}',
                                       script=base64.b64encode(("echo 1").encode()).decode(),

                             script=base64.b64encode(("echo 2").encode()).decode())

# cleanup

Update init script.

Updates a global init script, specifying only the fields to change. All fields are optional. Unspecified fields retain their current value.

  • script_id – str The ID of the global init script.

  • name – str The name of the script

  • script – str The Base64-encoded content of the script.

  • enabled – bool (optional) Specifies whether the script is enabled. The script runs only if enabled.

  • position

    int (optional) The position of a script, where 0 represents the first script to run, 1 is the second script to run, in ascending order. To move the script to run first, set its position to 0.

    To move the script to the end, set its position to any value greater or equal to the position of the last script. Example, three existing scripts with positions 0, 1, and 2. Any position value of 2 or greater puts the script in the last position (2).

    If an explicit position value conflicts with an existing script, your request succeeds, but the original script at that position and all later scripts have their positions incremented by 1.