w.git_credentials: Git Credentials

class databricks.sdk.service.workspace.GitCredentialsAPI

Registers personal access token for Databricks to do operations on behalf of the user.

See [more info].

[more info]: https://docs.databricks.com/repos/get-access-tokens-from-git-provider.html

create(git_provider: str [, git_username: Optional[str], personal_access_token: Optional[str]]) CreateCredentialsResponse


from databricks.sdk import WorkspaceClient

w = WorkspaceClient()

cr = w.git_credentials.create(git_provider="gitHub", git_username="test", personal_access_token="test")

# cleanup

Create a credential entry.

Creates a Git credential entry for the user. Only one Git credential per user is supported, so any attempts to create credentials if an entry already exists will fail. Use the PATCH endpoint to update existing credentials, or the DELETE endpoint to delete existing credentials.

  • git_provider – str Git provider. This field is case-insensitive. The available Git providers are gitHub, bitbucketCloud, gitLab, azureDevOpsServices, gitHubEnterprise, bitbucketServer, gitLabEnterpriseEdition and awsCodeCommit.

  • git_username – str (optional) The username or email provided with your Git provider account, depending on which provider you are using. For GitHub, GitHub Enterprise Server, or Azure DevOps Services, either email or username may be used. For GitLab, GitLab Enterprise Edition, email must be used. For AWS CodeCommit, BitBucket or BitBucket Server, username must be used. For all other providers please see your provider’s Personal Access Token authentication documentation to see what is supported.

  • personal_access_token

    str (optional) The personal access token used to authenticate to the corresponding Git provider. For certain providers, support may exist for other types of scoped access tokens. [Learn more].

    [Learn more]: https://docs.databricks.com/repos/get-access-tokens-from-git-provider.html



delete(credential_id: int)

Delete a credential.

Deletes the specified Git credential.


credential_id – int The ID for the corresponding credential to access.

get(credential_id: int) GetCredentialsResponse


from databricks.sdk import WorkspaceClient

w = WorkspaceClient()

cr = w.git_credentials.create(git_provider="gitHub", git_username="test", personal_access_token="test")

by_id = w.git_credentials.get(credential_id=cr.credential_id)

# cleanup

Get a credential entry.

Gets the Git credential with the specified credential ID.


credential_id – int The ID for the corresponding credential to access.



list() Iterator[CredentialInfo]


from databricks.sdk import WorkspaceClient

w = WorkspaceClient()

list = w.git_credentials.list()

Get Git credentials.

Lists the calling user’s Git credentials. One credential per user is supported.


Iterator over CredentialInfo

update(credential_id: int, git_provider: str [, git_username: Optional[str], personal_access_token: Optional[str]])


import time

from databricks.sdk import WorkspaceClient

w = WorkspaceClient()

cr = w.git_credentials.create(git_provider="gitHub", git_username="test", personal_access_token="test")


# cleanup

Update a credential.

Updates the specified Git credential.

  • credential_id – int The ID for the corresponding credential to access.

  • git_provider – str Git provider. This field is case-insensitive. The available Git providers are gitHub, bitbucketCloud, gitLab, azureDevOpsServices, gitHubEnterprise, bitbucketServer, gitLabEnterpriseEdition and awsCodeCommit.

  • git_username – str (optional) The username or email provided with your Git provider account, depending on which provider you are using. For GitHub, GitHub Enterprise Server, or Azure DevOps Services, either email or username may be used. For GitLab, GitLab Enterprise Edition, email must be used. For AWS CodeCommit, BitBucket or BitBucket Server, username must be used. For all other providers please see your provider’s Personal Access Token authentication documentation to see what is supported.

  • personal_access_token

    str (optional) The personal access token used to authenticate to the corresponding Git provider. For certain providers, support may exist for other types of scoped access tokens. [Learn more].

    [Learn more]: https://docs.databricks.com/repos/get-access-tokens-from-git-provider.html