These dataclasses are used in the SDK to represent API requests and responses for services in the databricks.sdk.service.workspace
- class databricks.sdk.service.workspace.AclItem¶
- principal: str¶
The principal in which the permission is applied.
- permission: AclPermission¶
The permission level applied to the principal.
- as_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the AclItem into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.
- as_shallow_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the AclItem into a shallow dictionary of its immediate attributes.
- class databricks.sdk.service.workspace.AclPermission¶
- READ = "READ"¶
- class databricks.sdk.service.workspace.AzureKeyVaultSecretScopeMetadata¶
- resource_id: str¶
The resource id of the azure KeyVault that user wants to associate the scope with.
- dns_name: str¶
The DNS of the KeyVault
- as_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the AzureKeyVaultSecretScopeMetadata into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.
- as_shallow_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the AzureKeyVaultSecretScopeMetadata into a shallow dictionary of its immediate attributes.
- classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) AzureKeyVaultSecretScopeMetadata ¶
Deserializes the AzureKeyVaultSecretScopeMetadata from a dictionary.
- class databricks.sdk.service.workspace.CreateCredentialsRequest¶
- git_provider: str¶
Git provider. This field is case-insensitive. The available Git providers are gitHub, bitbucketCloud, gitLab, azureDevOpsServices, gitHubEnterprise, bitbucketServer, gitLabEnterpriseEdition and awsCodeCommit.
- git_username: str | None = None¶
The username or email provided with your Git provider account, depending on which provider you are using. For GitHub, GitHub Enterprise Server, or Azure DevOps Services, either email or username may be used. For GitLab, GitLab Enterprise Edition, email must be used. For AWS CodeCommit, BitBucket or BitBucket Server, username must be used. For all other providers please see your provider’s Personal Access Token authentication documentation to see what is supported.
- personal_access_token: str | None = None¶
The personal access token used to authenticate to the corresponding Git provider. For certain providers, support may exist for other types of scoped access tokens. [Learn more].
[Learn more]:
- as_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the CreateCredentialsRequest into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.
- as_shallow_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the CreateCredentialsRequest into a shallow dictionary of its immediate attributes.
- classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) CreateCredentialsRequest ¶
Deserializes the CreateCredentialsRequest from a dictionary.
- class databricks.sdk.service.workspace.CreateCredentialsResponse¶
- credential_id: int¶
ID of the credential object in the workspace.
- git_provider: str¶
The Git provider associated with the credential.
- git_username: str | None = None¶
The username or email provided with your Git provider account and associated with the credential.
- as_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the CreateCredentialsResponse into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.
- as_shallow_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the CreateCredentialsResponse into a shallow dictionary of its immediate attributes.
- classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) CreateCredentialsResponse ¶
Deserializes the CreateCredentialsResponse from a dictionary.
- class databricks.sdk.service.workspace.CreateRepoRequest¶
- url: str¶
URL of the Git repository to be linked.
- provider: str¶
Git provider. This field is case-insensitive. The available Git providers are gitHub, bitbucketCloud, gitLab, azureDevOpsServices, gitHubEnterprise, bitbucketServer, gitLabEnterpriseEdition and awsCodeCommit.
- path: str | None = None¶
Desired path for the repo in the workspace. Almost any path in the workspace can be chosen. If repo is created in /Repos, path must be in the format /Repos/{folder}/{repo-name}.
- sparse_checkout: SparseCheckout | None = None¶
If specified, the repo will be created with sparse checkout enabled. You cannot enable/disable sparse checkout after the repo is created.
- as_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the CreateRepoRequest into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.
- as_shallow_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the CreateRepoRequest into a shallow dictionary of its immediate attributes.
- classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) CreateRepoRequest ¶
Deserializes the CreateRepoRequest from a dictionary.
- class databricks.sdk.service.workspace.CreateRepoResponse¶
- branch: str | None = None¶
Branch that the Git folder (repo) is checked out to.
- head_commit_id: str | None = None¶
SHA-1 hash representing the commit ID of the current HEAD of the Git folder (repo).
- id: int | None = None¶
ID of the Git folder (repo) object in the workspace.
- path: str | None = None¶
Path of the Git folder (repo) in the workspace.
- provider: str | None = None¶
Git provider of the linked Git repository.
- sparse_checkout: SparseCheckout | None = None¶
Sparse checkout settings for the Git folder (repo).
- url: str | None = None¶
URL of the linked Git repository.
- as_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the CreateRepoResponse into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.
- as_shallow_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the CreateRepoResponse into a shallow dictionary of its immediate attributes.
- classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) CreateRepoResponse ¶
Deserializes the CreateRepoResponse from a dictionary.
- class databricks.sdk.service.workspace.CreateScope¶
- scope: str¶
Scope name requested by the user. Scope names are unique.
- backend_azure_keyvault: AzureKeyVaultSecretScopeMetadata | None = None¶
The metadata for the secret scope if the type is AZURE_KEYVAULT
- initial_manage_principal: str | None = None¶
The principal that is initially granted MANAGE permission to the created scope.
- scope_backend_type: ScopeBackendType | None = None¶
The backend type the scope will be created with. If not specified, will default to DATABRICKS
- as_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the CreateScope into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.
- as_shallow_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the CreateScope into a shallow dictionary of its immediate attributes.
- classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) CreateScope ¶
Deserializes the CreateScope from a dictionary.
- class databricks.sdk.service.workspace.CreateScopeResponse¶
- as_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the CreateScopeResponse into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.
- as_shallow_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the CreateScopeResponse into a shallow dictionary of its immediate attributes.
- classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) CreateScopeResponse ¶
Deserializes the CreateScopeResponse from a dictionary.
- class databricks.sdk.service.workspace.CredentialInfo¶
- credential_id: int¶
ID of the credential object in the workspace.
- git_provider: str | None = None¶
The Git provider associated with the credential.
- git_username: str | None = None¶
The username or email provided with your Git provider account and associated with the credential.
- as_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the CredentialInfo into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.
- as_shallow_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the CredentialInfo into a shallow dictionary of its immediate attributes.
- classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) CredentialInfo ¶
Deserializes the CredentialInfo from a dictionary.
- class databricks.sdk.service.workspace.Delete¶
- path: str¶
The absolute path of the notebook or directory.
- recursive: bool | None = None¶
The flag that specifies whether to delete the object recursively. It is false by default. Please note this deleting directory is not atomic. If it fails in the middle, some of objects under this directory may be deleted and cannot be undone.
- as_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the Delete into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.
- as_shallow_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the Delete into a shallow dictionary of its immediate attributes.
- class databricks.sdk.service.workspace.DeleteAcl¶
- scope: str¶
The name of the scope to remove permissions from.
- principal: str¶
The principal to remove an existing ACL from.
- as_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the DeleteAcl into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.
- as_shallow_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the DeleteAcl into a shallow dictionary of its immediate attributes.
- class databricks.sdk.service.workspace.DeleteAclResponse¶
- as_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the DeleteAclResponse into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.
- as_shallow_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the DeleteAclResponse into a shallow dictionary of its immediate attributes.
- classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) DeleteAclResponse ¶
Deserializes the DeleteAclResponse from a dictionary.
- class databricks.sdk.service.workspace.DeleteCredentialsResponse¶
- as_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the DeleteCredentialsResponse into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.
- as_shallow_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the DeleteCredentialsResponse into a shallow dictionary of its immediate attributes.
- classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) DeleteCredentialsResponse ¶
Deserializes the DeleteCredentialsResponse from a dictionary.
- class databricks.sdk.service.workspace.DeleteRepoResponse¶
- as_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the DeleteRepoResponse into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.
- as_shallow_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the DeleteRepoResponse into a shallow dictionary of its immediate attributes.
- classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) DeleteRepoResponse ¶
Deserializes the DeleteRepoResponse from a dictionary.
- class databricks.sdk.service.workspace.DeleteResponse¶
- as_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the DeleteResponse into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.
- as_shallow_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the DeleteResponse into a shallow dictionary of its immediate attributes.
- classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) DeleteResponse ¶
Deserializes the DeleteResponse from a dictionary.
- class databricks.sdk.service.workspace.DeleteScope¶
- scope: str¶
Name of the scope to delete.
- as_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the DeleteScope into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.
- as_shallow_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the DeleteScope into a shallow dictionary of its immediate attributes.
- classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) DeleteScope ¶
Deserializes the DeleteScope from a dictionary.
- class databricks.sdk.service.workspace.DeleteScopeResponse¶
- as_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the DeleteScopeResponse into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.
- as_shallow_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the DeleteScopeResponse into a shallow dictionary of its immediate attributes.
- classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) DeleteScopeResponse ¶
Deserializes the DeleteScopeResponse from a dictionary.
- class databricks.sdk.service.workspace.DeleteSecret¶
- scope: str¶
The name of the scope that contains the secret to delete.
- key: str¶
Name of the secret to delete.
- as_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the DeleteSecret into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.
- as_shallow_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the DeleteSecret into a shallow dictionary of its immediate attributes.
- classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) DeleteSecret ¶
Deserializes the DeleteSecret from a dictionary.
- class databricks.sdk.service.workspace.DeleteSecretResponse¶
- as_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the DeleteSecretResponse into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.
- as_shallow_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the DeleteSecretResponse into a shallow dictionary of its immediate attributes.
- classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) DeleteSecretResponse ¶
Deserializes the DeleteSecretResponse from a dictionary.
- class databricks.sdk.service.workspace.ExportFormat¶
- AUTO = "AUTO"¶
- DBC = "DBC"¶
- HTML = "HTML"¶
- class databricks.sdk.service.workspace.ExportResponse¶
- content: str | None = None¶
The base64-encoded content. If the limit (10MB) is exceeded, exception with error code MAX_NOTEBOOK_SIZE_EXCEEDED is thrown.
- file_type: str | None = None¶
The file type of the exported file.
- as_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the ExportResponse into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.
- as_shallow_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the ExportResponse into a shallow dictionary of its immediate attributes.
- classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) ExportResponse ¶
Deserializes the ExportResponse from a dictionary.
- class databricks.sdk.service.workspace.GetCredentialsResponse¶
- credential_id: int¶
ID of the credential object in the workspace.
- git_provider: str | None = None¶
The Git provider associated with the credential.
- git_username: str | None = None¶
The username or email provided with your Git provider account and associated with the credential.
- as_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the GetCredentialsResponse into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.
- as_shallow_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the GetCredentialsResponse into a shallow dictionary of its immediate attributes.
- classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) GetCredentialsResponse ¶
Deserializes the GetCredentialsResponse from a dictionary.
- class databricks.sdk.service.workspace.GetRepoPermissionLevelsResponse¶
- permission_levels: List[RepoPermissionsDescription] | None = None¶
Specific permission levels
- as_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the GetRepoPermissionLevelsResponse into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.
- as_shallow_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the GetRepoPermissionLevelsResponse into a shallow dictionary of its immediate attributes.
- classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) GetRepoPermissionLevelsResponse ¶
Deserializes the GetRepoPermissionLevelsResponse from a dictionary.
- class databricks.sdk.service.workspace.GetRepoResponse¶
- branch: str | None = None¶
Branch that the local version of the repo is checked out to.
- head_commit_id: str | None = None¶
SHA-1 hash representing the commit ID of the current HEAD of the repo.
- id: int | None = None¶
ID of the Git folder (repo) object in the workspace.
- path: str | None = None¶
Path of the Git folder (repo) in the workspace.
- provider: str | None = None¶
Git provider of the linked Git repository.
- sparse_checkout: SparseCheckout | None = None¶
Sparse checkout settings for the Git folder (repo).
- url: str | None = None¶
URL of the linked Git repository.
- as_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the GetRepoResponse into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.
- as_shallow_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the GetRepoResponse into a shallow dictionary of its immediate attributes.
- classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) GetRepoResponse ¶
Deserializes the GetRepoResponse from a dictionary.
- class databricks.sdk.service.workspace.GetSecretResponse¶
- key: str | None = None¶
A unique name to identify the secret.
- value: str | None = None¶
The value of the secret in its byte representation.
- as_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the GetSecretResponse into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.
- as_shallow_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the GetSecretResponse into a shallow dictionary of its immediate attributes.
- classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) GetSecretResponse ¶
Deserializes the GetSecretResponse from a dictionary.
- class databricks.sdk.service.workspace.GetWorkspaceObjectPermissionLevelsResponse¶
- permission_levels: List[WorkspaceObjectPermissionsDescription] | None = None¶
Specific permission levels
- as_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the GetWorkspaceObjectPermissionLevelsResponse into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.
- as_shallow_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the GetWorkspaceObjectPermissionLevelsResponse into a shallow dictionary of its immediate attributes.
- classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) GetWorkspaceObjectPermissionLevelsResponse ¶
Deserializes the GetWorkspaceObjectPermissionLevelsResponse from a dictionary.
- class databricks.sdk.service.workspace.Import¶
- path: str¶
The absolute path of the object or directory. Importing a directory is only supported for the DBC and SOURCE formats.
- content: str | None = None¶
The base64-encoded content. This has a limit of 10 MB.
If the limit (10MB) is exceeded, exception with error code MAX_NOTEBOOK_SIZE_EXCEEDED is thrown. This parameter might be absent, and instead a posted file is used.
- format: ImportFormat | None = None¶
This specifies the format of the file to be imported.
The value is case sensitive.
AUTO: The item is imported depending on an analysis of the item’s extension and the header
content provided in the request. If the item is imported as a notebook, then the item’s extension is automatically removed. - SOURCE: The notebook or directory is imported as source code. - HTML: The notebook is imported as an HTML file. - JUPYTER: The notebook is imported as a Jupyter/IPython Notebook file. - DBC: The notebook is imported in Databricks archive format. Required for directories. - R_MARKDOWN: The notebook is imported from R Markdown format.
- language: Language | None = None¶
The language of the object. This value is set only if the object type is NOTEBOOK.
- overwrite: bool | None = None¶
The flag that specifies whether to overwrite existing object. It is false by default. For DBC format, overwrite is not supported since it may contain a directory.
- as_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the Import into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.
- as_shallow_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the Import into a shallow dictionary of its immediate attributes.
- class databricks.sdk.service.workspace.ImportFormat¶
This specifies the format of the file to be imported. The value is case sensitive. - AUTO: The item is imported depending on an analysis of the item’s extension and the header content provided in the request. If the item is imported as a notebook, then the item’s extension is automatically removed. - SOURCE: The notebook or directory is imported as source code. - HTML: The notebook is imported as an HTML file. - JUPYTER: The notebook is imported as a Jupyter/IPython Notebook file. - DBC: The notebook is imported in Databricks archive format. Required for directories. - R_MARKDOWN: The notebook is imported from R Markdown format.
- AUTO = "AUTO"¶
- DBC = "DBC"¶
- HTML = "HTML"¶
- RAW = "RAW"¶
- class databricks.sdk.service.workspace.ImportResponse¶
- as_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the ImportResponse into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.
- as_shallow_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the ImportResponse into a shallow dictionary of its immediate attributes.
- classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) ImportResponse ¶
Deserializes the ImportResponse from a dictionary.
- class databricks.sdk.service.workspace.Language¶
The language of the object. This value is set only if the object type is NOTEBOOK.
- R = "R"¶
- SQL = "SQL"¶
- class databricks.sdk.service.workspace.ListAclsResponse¶
- items: List[AclItem] | None = None¶
The associated ACLs rule applied to principals in the given scope.
- as_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the ListAclsResponse into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.
- as_shallow_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the ListAclsResponse into a shallow dictionary of its immediate attributes.
- classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) ListAclsResponse ¶
Deserializes the ListAclsResponse from a dictionary.
- class databricks.sdk.service.workspace.ListCredentialsResponse¶
- credentials: List[CredentialInfo] | None = None¶
List of credentials.
- as_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the ListCredentialsResponse into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.
- as_shallow_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the ListCredentialsResponse into a shallow dictionary of its immediate attributes.
- classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) ListCredentialsResponse ¶
Deserializes the ListCredentialsResponse from a dictionary.
- class databricks.sdk.service.workspace.ListReposResponse¶
- next_page_token: str | None = None¶
Token that can be specified as a query parameter to the GET /repos endpoint to retrieve the next page of results.
- as_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the ListReposResponse into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.
- as_shallow_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the ListReposResponse into a shallow dictionary of its immediate attributes.
- classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) ListReposResponse ¶
Deserializes the ListReposResponse from a dictionary.
- class databricks.sdk.service.workspace.ListResponse¶
- objects: List[ObjectInfo] | None = None¶
List of objects.
- as_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the ListResponse into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.
- as_shallow_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the ListResponse into a shallow dictionary of its immediate attributes.
- classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) ListResponse ¶
Deserializes the ListResponse from a dictionary.
- class databricks.sdk.service.workspace.ListScopesResponse¶
- scopes: List[SecretScope] | None = None¶
The available secret scopes.
- as_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the ListScopesResponse into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.
- as_shallow_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the ListScopesResponse into a shallow dictionary of its immediate attributes.
- classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) ListScopesResponse ¶
Deserializes the ListScopesResponse from a dictionary.
- class databricks.sdk.service.workspace.ListSecretsResponse¶
- secrets: List[SecretMetadata] | None = None¶
Metadata information of all secrets contained within the given scope.
- as_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the ListSecretsResponse into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.
- as_shallow_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the ListSecretsResponse into a shallow dictionary of its immediate attributes.
- classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) ListSecretsResponse ¶
Deserializes the ListSecretsResponse from a dictionary.
- class databricks.sdk.service.workspace.Mkdirs¶
- path: str¶
The absolute path of the directory. If the parent directories do not exist, it will also create them. If the directory already exists, this command will do nothing and succeed.
- as_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the Mkdirs into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.
- as_shallow_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the Mkdirs into a shallow dictionary of its immediate attributes.
- class databricks.sdk.service.workspace.MkdirsResponse¶
- as_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the MkdirsResponse into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.
- as_shallow_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the MkdirsResponse into a shallow dictionary of its immediate attributes.
- classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) MkdirsResponse ¶
Deserializes the MkdirsResponse from a dictionary.
- class databricks.sdk.service.workspace.ObjectInfo¶
- created_at: int | None = None¶
Only applicable to files. The creation UTC timestamp.
- language: Language | None = None¶
The language of the object. This value is set only if the object type is NOTEBOOK.
- modified_at: int | None = None¶
Only applicable to files, the last modified UTC timestamp.
- object_id: int | None = None¶
Unique identifier for the object.
- object_type: ObjectType | None = None¶
The type of the object in workspace.
NOTEBOOK: document that contains runnable code, visualizations, and explanatory text. -
DIRECTORY: directory - LIBRARY: library - FILE: file - REPO: repository - DASHBOARD: Lakeview dashboard
- path: str | None = None¶
The absolute path of the object.
- resource_id: str | None = None¶
A unique identifier for the object that is consistent across all Databricks APIs.
- size: int | None = None¶
Only applicable to files. The file size in bytes can be returned.
- as_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the ObjectInfo into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.
- as_shallow_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the ObjectInfo into a shallow dictionary of its immediate attributes.
- classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) ObjectInfo ¶
Deserializes the ObjectInfo from a dictionary.
- class databricks.sdk.service.workspace.ObjectType¶
The type of the object in workspace. - NOTEBOOK: document that contains runnable code, visualizations, and explanatory text. - DIRECTORY: directory - LIBRARY: library - FILE: file - REPO: repository - DASHBOARD: Lakeview dashboard
- FILE = "FILE"¶
- REPO = "REPO"¶
- class databricks.sdk.service.workspace.PutAcl¶
- scope: str¶
The name of the scope to apply permissions to.
- principal: str¶
The principal in which the permission is applied.
- permission: AclPermission¶
The permission level applied to the principal.
- as_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the PutAcl into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.
- as_shallow_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the PutAcl into a shallow dictionary of its immediate attributes.
- class databricks.sdk.service.workspace.PutAclResponse¶
- as_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the PutAclResponse into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.
- as_shallow_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the PutAclResponse into a shallow dictionary of its immediate attributes.
- classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) PutAclResponse ¶
Deserializes the PutAclResponse from a dictionary.
- class databricks.sdk.service.workspace.PutSecret¶
- scope: str¶
The name of the scope to which the secret will be associated with.
- key: str¶
A unique name to identify the secret.
- bytes_value: str | None = None¶
If specified, value will be stored as bytes.
- string_value: str | None = None¶
If specified, note that the value will be stored in UTF-8 (MB4) form.
- as_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the PutSecret into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.
- as_shallow_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the PutSecret into a shallow dictionary of its immediate attributes.
- class databricks.sdk.service.workspace.PutSecretResponse¶
- as_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the PutSecretResponse into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.
- as_shallow_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the PutSecretResponse into a shallow dictionary of its immediate attributes.
- classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) PutSecretResponse ¶
Deserializes the PutSecretResponse from a dictionary.
- class databricks.sdk.service.workspace.RepoAccessControlRequest¶
- group_name: str | None = None¶
name of the group
- permission_level: RepoPermissionLevel | None = None¶
Permission level
- service_principal_name: str | None = None¶
application ID of a service principal
- user_name: str | None = None¶
name of the user
- as_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the RepoAccessControlRequest into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.
- as_shallow_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the RepoAccessControlRequest into a shallow dictionary of its immediate attributes.
- classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) RepoAccessControlRequest ¶
Deserializes the RepoAccessControlRequest from a dictionary.
- class databricks.sdk.service.workspace.RepoAccessControlResponse¶
- all_permissions: List[RepoPermission] | None = None¶
All permissions.
- display_name: str | None = None¶
Display name of the user or service principal.
- group_name: str | None = None¶
name of the group
- service_principal_name: str | None = None¶
Name of the service principal.
- user_name: str | None = None¶
name of the user
- as_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the RepoAccessControlResponse into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.
- as_shallow_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the RepoAccessControlResponse into a shallow dictionary of its immediate attributes.
- classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) RepoAccessControlResponse ¶
Deserializes the RepoAccessControlResponse from a dictionary.
- class databricks.sdk.service.workspace.RepoInfo¶
Git folder (repo) information.
- branch: str | None = None¶
Name of the current git branch of the git folder (repo).
- head_commit_id: str | None = None¶
Current git commit id of the git folder (repo).
- id: int | None = None¶
Id of the git folder (repo) in the Workspace.
- path: str | None = None¶
Root path of the git folder (repo) in the Workspace.
- provider: str | None = None¶
Git provider of the remote git repository, e.g. gitHub.
- sparse_checkout: SparseCheckout | None = None¶
Sparse checkout config for the git folder (repo).
- url: str | None = None¶
URL of the remote git repository.
- as_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the RepoInfo into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.
- as_shallow_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the RepoInfo into a shallow dictionary of its immediate attributes.
- class databricks.sdk.service.workspace.RepoPermission¶
- inherited: bool | None = None¶
- inherited_from_object: List[str] | None = None¶
- permission_level: RepoPermissionLevel | None = None¶
Permission level
- as_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the RepoPermission into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.
- as_shallow_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the RepoPermission into a shallow dictionary of its immediate attributes.
- classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) RepoPermission ¶
Deserializes the RepoPermission from a dictionary.
- class databricks.sdk.service.workspace.RepoPermissionLevel¶
Permission level
- class databricks.sdk.service.workspace.RepoPermissions¶
- access_control_list: List[RepoAccessControlResponse] | None = None¶
- object_id: str | None = None¶
- object_type: str | None = None¶
- as_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the RepoPermissions into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.
- as_shallow_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the RepoPermissions into a shallow dictionary of its immediate attributes.
- classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) RepoPermissions ¶
Deserializes the RepoPermissions from a dictionary.
- class databricks.sdk.service.workspace.RepoPermissionsDescription¶
- description: str | None = None¶
- permission_level: RepoPermissionLevel | None = None¶
Permission level
- as_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the RepoPermissionsDescription into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.
- as_shallow_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the RepoPermissionsDescription into a shallow dictionary of its immediate attributes.
- classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) RepoPermissionsDescription ¶
Deserializes the RepoPermissionsDescription from a dictionary.
- class databricks.sdk.service.workspace.RepoPermissionsRequest¶
- access_control_list: List[RepoAccessControlRequest] | None = None¶
- repo_id: str | None = None¶
The repo for which to get or manage permissions.
- as_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the RepoPermissionsRequest into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.
- as_shallow_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the RepoPermissionsRequest into a shallow dictionary of its immediate attributes.
- classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) RepoPermissionsRequest ¶
Deserializes the RepoPermissionsRequest from a dictionary.
- class databricks.sdk.service.workspace.ScopeBackendType¶
- class databricks.sdk.service.workspace.SecretMetadata¶
- key: str | None = None¶
A unique name to identify the secret.
- last_updated_timestamp: int | None = None¶
The last updated timestamp (in milliseconds) for the secret.
- as_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the SecretMetadata into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.
- as_shallow_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the SecretMetadata into a shallow dictionary of its immediate attributes.
- classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) SecretMetadata ¶
Deserializes the SecretMetadata from a dictionary.
- class databricks.sdk.service.workspace.SecretScope¶
- backend_type: ScopeBackendType | None = None¶
The type of secret scope backend.
- keyvault_metadata: AzureKeyVaultSecretScopeMetadata | None = None¶
The metadata for the secret scope if the type is AZURE_KEYVAULT
- name: str | None = None¶
A unique name to identify the secret scope.
- as_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the SecretScope into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.
- as_shallow_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the SecretScope into a shallow dictionary of its immediate attributes.
- classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) SecretScope ¶
Deserializes the SecretScope from a dictionary.
- class databricks.sdk.service.workspace.SparseCheckout¶
Sparse checkout configuration, it contains options like cone patterns.
- patterns: List[str] | None = None¶
List of sparse checkout cone patterns, see [cone mode handling] for details.
[cone mode handling]:
- as_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the SparseCheckout into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.
- as_shallow_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the SparseCheckout into a shallow dictionary of its immediate attributes.
- classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) SparseCheckout ¶
Deserializes the SparseCheckout from a dictionary.
- class databricks.sdk.service.workspace.SparseCheckoutUpdate¶
Sparse checkout configuration, it contains options like cone patterns.
- patterns: List[str] | None = None¶
List of sparse checkout cone patterns, see [cone mode handling] for details.
[cone mode handling]:
- as_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the SparseCheckoutUpdate into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.
- as_shallow_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the SparseCheckoutUpdate into a shallow dictionary of its immediate attributes.
- classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) SparseCheckoutUpdate ¶
Deserializes the SparseCheckoutUpdate from a dictionary.
- class databricks.sdk.service.workspace.UpdateCredentialsRequest¶
- git_provider: str¶
Git provider. This field is case-insensitive. The available Git providers are gitHub, bitbucketCloud, gitLab, azureDevOpsServices, gitHubEnterprise, bitbucketServer, gitLabEnterpriseEdition and awsCodeCommit.
- credential_id: int | None = None¶
The ID for the corresponding credential to access.
- git_username: str | None = None¶
The username or email provided with your Git provider account, depending on which provider you are using. For GitHub, GitHub Enterprise Server, or Azure DevOps Services, either email or username may be used. For GitLab, GitLab Enterprise Edition, email must be used. For AWS CodeCommit, BitBucket or BitBucket Server, username must be used. For all other providers please see your provider’s Personal Access Token authentication documentation to see what is supported.
- personal_access_token: str | None = None¶
The personal access token used to authenticate to the corresponding Git provider. For certain providers, support may exist for other types of scoped access tokens. [Learn more].
[Learn more]:
- as_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the UpdateCredentialsRequest into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.
- as_shallow_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the UpdateCredentialsRequest into a shallow dictionary of its immediate attributes.
- classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) UpdateCredentialsRequest ¶
Deserializes the UpdateCredentialsRequest from a dictionary.
- class databricks.sdk.service.workspace.UpdateCredentialsResponse¶
- as_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the UpdateCredentialsResponse into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.
- as_shallow_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the UpdateCredentialsResponse into a shallow dictionary of its immediate attributes.
- classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) UpdateCredentialsResponse ¶
Deserializes the UpdateCredentialsResponse from a dictionary.
- class databricks.sdk.service.workspace.UpdateRepoRequest¶
- branch: str | None = None¶
Branch that the local version of the repo is checked out to.
- repo_id: int | None = None¶
ID of the Git folder (repo) object in the workspace.
- sparse_checkout: SparseCheckoutUpdate | None = None¶
If specified, update the sparse checkout settings. The update will fail if sparse checkout is not enabled for the repo.
- tag: str | None = None¶
Tag that the local version of the repo is checked out to. Updating the repo to a tag puts the repo in a detached HEAD state. Before committing new changes, you must update the repo to a branch instead of the detached HEAD.
- as_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the UpdateRepoRequest into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.
- as_shallow_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the UpdateRepoRequest into a shallow dictionary of its immediate attributes.
- classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) UpdateRepoRequest ¶
Deserializes the UpdateRepoRequest from a dictionary.
- class databricks.sdk.service.workspace.UpdateRepoResponse¶
- as_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the UpdateRepoResponse into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.
- as_shallow_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the UpdateRepoResponse into a shallow dictionary of its immediate attributes.
- classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) UpdateRepoResponse ¶
Deserializes the UpdateRepoResponse from a dictionary.
- class databricks.sdk.service.workspace.WorkspaceObjectAccessControlRequest¶
- group_name: str | None = None¶
name of the group
- permission_level: WorkspaceObjectPermissionLevel | None = None¶
Permission level
- service_principal_name: str | None = None¶
application ID of a service principal
- user_name: str | None = None¶
name of the user
- as_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the WorkspaceObjectAccessControlRequest into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.
- as_shallow_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the WorkspaceObjectAccessControlRequest into a shallow dictionary of its immediate attributes.
- classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) WorkspaceObjectAccessControlRequest ¶
Deserializes the WorkspaceObjectAccessControlRequest from a dictionary.
- class databricks.sdk.service.workspace.WorkspaceObjectAccessControlResponse¶
- all_permissions: List[WorkspaceObjectPermission] | None = None¶
All permissions.
- display_name: str | None = None¶
Display name of the user or service principal.
- group_name: str | None = None¶
name of the group
- service_principal_name: str | None = None¶
Name of the service principal.
- user_name: str | None = None¶
name of the user
- as_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the WorkspaceObjectAccessControlResponse into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.
- as_shallow_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the WorkspaceObjectAccessControlResponse into a shallow dictionary of its immediate attributes.
- classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) WorkspaceObjectAccessControlResponse ¶
Deserializes the WorkspaceObjectAccessControlResponse from a dictionary.
- class databricks.sdk.service.workspace.WorkspaceObjectPermission¶
- inherited: bool | None = None¶
- inherited_from_object: List[str] | None = None¶
- permission_level: WorkspaceObjectPermissionLevel | None = None¶
Permission level
- as_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the WorkspaceObjectPermission into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.
- as_shallow_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the WorkspaceObjectPermission into a shallow dictionary of its immediate attributes.
- classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) WorkspaceObjectPermission ¶
Deserializes the WorkspaceObjectPermission from a dictionary.
- class databricks.sdk.service.workspace.WorkspaceObjectPermissionLevel¶
Permission level
- class databricks.sdk.service.workspace.WorkspaceObjectPermissions¶
- access_control_list: List[WorkspaceObjectAccessControlResponse] | None = None¶
- object_id: str | None = None¶
- object_type: str | None = None¶
- as_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the WorkspaceObjectPermissions into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.
- as_shallow_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the WorkspaceObjectPermissions into a shallow dictionary of its immediate attributes.
- classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) WorkspaceObjectPermissions ¶
Deserializes the WorkspaceObjectPermissions from a dictionary.
- class databricks.sdk.service.workspace.WorkspaceObjectPermissionsDescription¶
- description: str | None = None¶
- permission_level: WorkspaceObjectPermissionLevel | None = None¶
Permission level
- as_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the WorkspaceObjectPermissionsDescription into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.
- as_shallow_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the WorkspaceObjectPermissionsDescription into a shallow dictionary of its immediate attributes.
- classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) WorkspaceObjectPermissionsDescription ¶
Deserializes the WorkspaceObjectPermissionsDescription from a dictionary.
- class databricks.sdk.service.workspace.WorkspaceObjectPermissionsRequest¶
- access_control_list: List[WorkspaceObjectAccessControlRequest] | None = None¶
- workspace_object_id: str | None = None¶
The workspace object for which to get or manage permissions.
- workspace_object_type: str | None = None¶
The workspace object type for which to get or manage permissions.
- as_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the WorkspaceObjectPermissionsRequest into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.
- as_shallow_dict() dict ¶
Serializes the WorkspaceObjectPermissionsRequest into a shallow dictionary of its immediate attributes.
- classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) WorkspaceObjectPermissionsRequest ¶
Deserializes the WorkspaceObjectPermissionsRequest from a dictionary.