
These dataclasses are used in the SDK to represent API requests and responses for services in the databricks.sdk.service.oauth2 module.

class databricks.sdk.service.oauth2.CreateCustomAppIntegration
name: str

name of the custom oauth app

redirect_urls: List[str]

List of oauth redirect urls

confidential: bool | None = None

indicates if an oauth client-secret should be generated

scopes: List[str] | None = None

OAuth scopes granted to the application. Supported scopes: all-apis, sql, offline_access, openid, profile, email.

token_access_policy: TokenAccessPolicy | None = None

Token access policy

as_dict() dict

Serializes the CreateCustomAppIntegration into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.

classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) CreateCustomAppIntegration

Deserializes the CreateCustomAppIntegration from a dictionary.

class databricks.sdk.service.oauth2.CreateCustomAppIntegrationOutput
client_id: str | None = None

oauth client-id generated by the Databricks

client_secret: str | None = None

oauth client-secret generated by the Databricks if this is a confidential oauth app client-secret will be generated.

integration_id: str | None = None

unique integration id for the custom oauth app

as_dict() dict

Serializes the CreateCustomAppIntegrationOutput into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.

classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) CreateCustomAppIntegrationOutput

Deserializes the CreateCustomAppIntegrationOutput from a dictionary.

class databricks.sdk.service.oauth2.CreatePublishedAppIntegration
app_id: str | None = None

app_id of the oauth published app integration. For example power-bi, tableau-deskop

token_access_policy: TokenAccessPolicy | None = None

Token access policy

as_dict() dict

Serializes the CreatePublishedAppIntegration into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.

classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) CreatePublishedAppIntegration

Deserializes the CreatePublishedAppIntegration from a dictionary.

class databricks.sdk.service.oauth2.CreatePublishedAppIntegrationOutput
integration_id: str | None = None

unique integration id for the published oauth app

as_dict() dict

Serializes the CreatePublishedAppIntegrationOutput into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.

classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) CreatePublishedAppIntegrationOutput

Deserializes the CreatePublishedAppIntegrationOutput from a dictionary.

class databricks.sdk.service.oauth2.CreateServicePrincipalSecretResponse
create_time: str | None = None

UTC time when the secret was created

id: str | None = None

ID of the secret

secret: str | None = None

Secret Value

secret_hash: str | None = None

Secret Hash

status: str | None = None

Status of the secret

update_time: str | None = None

UTC time when the secret was updated

as_dict() dict

Serializes the CreateServicePrincipalSecretResponse into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.

classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) CreateServicePrincipalSecretResponse

Deserializes the CreateServicePrincipalSecretResponse from a dictionary.

class databricks.sdk.service.oauth2.DeleteCustomAppIntegrationOutput
as_dict() dict

Serializes the DeleteCustomAppIntegrationOutput into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.

classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) DeleteCustomAppIntegrationOutput

Deserializes the DeleteCustomAppIntegrationOutput from a dictionary.

class databricks.sdk.service.oauth2.DeletePublishedAppIntegrationOutput
as_dict() dict

Serializes the DeletePublishedAppIntegrationOutput into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.

classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) DeletePublishedAppIntegrationOutput

Deserializes the DeletePublishedAppIntegrationOutput from a dictionary.

class databricks.sdk.service.oauth2.DeleteResponse
as_dict() dict

Serializes the DeleteResponse into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.

classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) DeleteResponse

Deserializes the DeleteResponse from a dictionary.

class databricks.sdk.service.oauth2.GetCustomAppIntegrationOutput
client_id: str | None = None

oauth client id of the custom oauth app

confidential: bool | None = None

indicates if an oauth client-secret should be generated

integration_id: str | None = None

ID of this custom app

name: str | None = None

name of the custom oauth app

redirect_urls: List[str] | None = None

List of oauth redirect urls

token_access_policy: TokenAccessPolicy | None = None

Token access policy

as_dict() dict

Serializes the GetCustomAppIntegrationOutput into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.

classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) GetCustomAppIntegrationOutput

Deserializes the GetCustomAppIntegrationOutput from a dictionary.

class databricks.sdk.service.oauth2.GetCustomAppIntegrationsOutput
apps: List[GetCustomAppIntegrationOutput] | None = None

Array of Custom OAuth App Integrations defined for the account.

as_dict() dict

Serializes the GetCustomAppIntegrationsOutput into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.

classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) GetCustomAppIntegrationsOutput

Deserializes the GetCustomAppIntegrationsOutput from a dictionary.

class databricks.sdk.service.oauth2.GetPublishedAppIntegrationOutput
app_id: str | None = None

app-id of the published app integration

integration_id: str | None = None

unique integration id for the published oauth app

name: str | None = None

name of the published oauth app

token_access_policy: TokenAccessPolicy | None = None

Token access policy

as_dict() dict

Serializes the GetPublishedAppIntegrationOutput into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.

classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) GetPublishedAppIntegrationOutput

Deserializes the GetPublishedAppIntegrationOutput from a dictionary.

class databricks.sdk.service.oauth2.GetPublishedAppIntegrationsOutput
apps: List[GetPublishedAppIntegrationOutput] | None = None

Array of Published OAuth App Integrations defined for the account.

as_dict() dict

Serializes the GetPublishedAppIntegrationsOutput into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.

classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) GetPublishedAppIntegrationsOutput

Deserializes the GetPublishedAppIntegrationsOutput from a dictionary.

class databricks.sdk.service.oauth2.GetPublishedAppsOutput
apps: List[PublishedAppOutput] | None = None

Array of Published OAuth Apps.

next_page_token: str | None = None

A token that can be used to get the next page of results. If not present, there are no more results to show.

as_dict() dict

Serializes the GetPublishedAppsOutput into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.

classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) GetPublishedAppsOutput

Deserializes the GetPublishedAppsOutput from a dictionary.

class databricks.sdk.service.oauth2.ListServicePrincipalSecretsResponse
secrets: List[SecretInfo] | None = None

List of the secrets

as_dict() dict

Serializes the ListServicePrincipalSecretsResponse into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.

classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) ListServicePrincipalSecretsResponse

Deserializes the ListServicePrincipalSecretsResponse from a dictionary.

class databricks.sdk.service.oauth2.PublishedAppOutput
app_id: str | None = None

Unique ID of the published OAuth app.

client_id: str | None = None

Client ID of the published OAuth app. It is the client_id in the OAuth flow

description: str | None = None

Description of the published OAuth app.

is_confidential_client: bool | None = None

Whether the published OAuth app is a confidential client. It is always false for published OAuth apps.

name: str | None = None

Name of the published OAuth app.

redirect_urls: List[str] | None = None

Redirect URLs of the published OAuth app.

scopes: List[str] | None = None

Required scopes for the published OAuth app.

as_dict() dict

Serializes the PublishedAppOutput into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.

classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) PublishedAppOutput

Deserializes the PublishedAppOutput from a dictionary.

class databricks.sdk.service.oauth2.SecretInfo
create_time: str | None = None

UTC time when the secret was created

id: str | None = None

ID of the secret

secret_hash: str | None = None

Secret Hash

status: str | None = None

Status of the secret

update_time: str | None = None

UTC time when the secret was updated

as_dict() dict

Serializes the SecretInfo into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.

classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) SecretInfo

Deserializes the SecretInfo from a dictionary.

class databricks.sdk.service.oauth2.TokenAccessPolicy
access_token_ttl_in_minutes: int | None = None

access token time to live in minutes

refresh_token_ttl_in_minutes: int | None = None

refresh token time to live in minutes

as_dict() dict

Serializes the TokenAccessPolicy into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.

classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) TokenAccessPolicy

Deserializes the TokenAccessPolicy from a dictionary.

class databricks.sdk.service.oauth2.UpdateCustomAppIntegration
integration_id: str | None = None

The oauth app integration ID.

redirect_urls: List[str] | None = None

List of oauth redirect urls to be updated in the custom oauth app integration

token_access_policy: TokenAccessPolicy | None = None

Token access policy to be updated in the custom oauth app integration

as_dict() dict

Serializes the UpdateCustomAppIntegration into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.

classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) UpdateCustomAppIntegration

Deserializes the UpdateCustomAppIntegration from a dictionary.

class databricks.sdk.service.oauth2.UpdateCustomAppIntegrationOutput
as_dict() dict

Serializes the UpdateCustomAppIntegrationOutput into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.

classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) UpdateCustomAppIntegrationOutput

Deserializes the UpdateCustomAppIntegrationOutput from a dictionary.

class databricks.sdk.service.oauth2.UpdatePublishedAppIntegration
integration_id: str | None = None

The oauth app integration ID.

token_access_policy: TokenAccessPolicy | None = None

Token access policy to be updated in the published oauth app integration

as_dict() dict

Serializes the UpdatePublishedAppIntegration into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.

classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) UpdatePublishedAppIntegration

Deserializes the UpdatePublishedAppIntegration from a dictionary.

class databricks.sdk.service.oauth2.UpdatePublishedAppIntegrationOutput
as_dict() dict

Serializes the UpdatePublishedAppIntegrationOutput into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.

classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) UpdatePublishedAppIntegrationOutput

Deserializes the UpdatePublishedAppIntegrationOutput from a dictionary.