Delta Sharing

These dataclasses are used in the SDK to represent API requests and responses for services in the databricks.sdk.service.sharing module.

class databricks.sdk.service.sharing.AuthenticationType

The delta sharing authentication type.

class databricks.sdk.service.sharing.CentralCleanRoomInfo
clean_room_assets: List[CleanRoomAssetInfo] | None = None

All assets from all collaborators that are available in the clean room. Only one of table_info or notebook_info will be filled in.

collaborators: List[CleanRoomCollaboratorInfo] | None = None

All collaborators who are in the clean room.

creator: CleanRoomCollaboratorInfo | None = None

The collaborator who created the clean room.

station_cloud: str | None = None

The cloud where clean room tasks will be run.

station_region: str | None = None

The region where clean room tasks will be run.

as_dict() dict

Serializes the CentralCleanRoomInfo into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.

classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) CentralCleanRoomInfo

Deserializes the CentralCleanRoomInfo from a dictionary.

class databricks.sdk.service.sharing.CleanRoomAssetInfo
added_at: int | None = None

Time at which this asset was added, in epoch milliseconds.

notebook_info: CleanRoomNotebookInfo | None = None

Details about the notebook asset.

owner: CleanRoomCollaboratorInfo | None = None

The collaborator who owns the asset.

table_info: CleanRoomTableInfo | None = None

Details about the table asset.

updated_at: int | None = None

Time at which this asset was updated, in epoch milliseconds.

as_dict() dict

Serializes the CleanRoomAssetInfo into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.

classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) CleanRoomAssetInfo

Deserializes the CleanRoomAssetInfo from a dictionary.

class databricks.sdk.service.sharing.CleanRoomCatalog
catalog_name: str | None = None

Name of the catalog in the clean room station. Empty for notebooks.

notebook_files: List[SharedDataObject] | None = None

The details of the shared notebook files.

tables: List[SharedDataObject] | None = None

The details of the shared tables.

as_dict() dict

Serializes the CleanRoomCatalog into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.

classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) CleanRoomCatalog

Deserializes the CleanRoomCatalog from a dictionary.

class databricks.sdk.service.sharing.CleanRoomCatalogUpdate
catalog_name: str | None = None

The name of the catalog to update assets.

updates: SharedDataObjectUpdate | None = None

The updates to the assets in the catalog.

as_dict() dict

Serializes the CleanRoomCatalogUpdate into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.

classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) CleanRoomCatalogUpdate

Deserializes the CleanRoomCatalogUpdate from a dictionary.

class databricks.sdk.service.sharing.CleanRoomCollaboratorInfo
global_metastore_id: str | None = None

The global Unity Catalog metastore id of the collaborator. Also known as the sharing identifier. The identifier is of format __cloud__:__region__:__metastore-uuid__.

organization_name: str | None = None

The organization name of the collaborator. This is configured in the metastore for Delta Sharing and is used to identify the organization to other collaborators.

as_dict() dict

Serializes the CleanRoomCollaboratorInfo into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.

classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) CleanRoomCollaboratorInfo

Deserializes the CleanRoomCollaboratorInfo from a dictionary.

class databricks.sdk.service.sharing.CleanRoomInfo
comment: str | None = None

User-provided free-form text description.

created_at: int | None = None

Time at which this clean room was created, in epoch milliseconds.

created_by: str | None = None

Username of clean room creator.

local_catalogs: List[CleanRoomCatalog] | None = None

Catalog aliases shared by the current collaborator with asset details.

name: str | None = None

Name of the clean room.

owner: str | None = None

Username of current owner of clean room.

remote_detailed_info: CentralCleanRoomInfo | None = None

Central clean room details.

updated_at: int | None = None

Time at which this clean room was updated, in epoch milliseconds.

updated_by: str | None = None

Username of clean room updater.

as_dict() dict

Serializes the CleanRoomInfo into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.

classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) CleanRoomInfo

Deserializes the CleanRoomInfo from a dictionary.

class databricks.sdk.service.sharing.CleanRoomNotebookInfo
notebook_content: str | None = None

The base64 representation of the notebook content in HTML.

notebook_name: str | None = None

The name of the notebook.

as_dict() dict

Serializes the CleanRoomNotebookInfo into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.

classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) CleanRoomNotebookInfo

Deserializes the CleanRoomNotebookInfo from a dictionary.

class databricks.sdk.service.sharing.CleanRoomTableInfo
catalog_name: str | None = None

Name of parent catalog.

columns: List[ColumnInfo] | None = None

The array of __ColumnInfo__ definitions of the table’s columns.

full_name: str | None = None

Full name of table, in form of __catalog_name__.__schema_name__.__table_name__

name: str | None = None

Name of table, relative to parent schema.

schema_name: str | None = None

Name of parent schema relative to its parent catalog.

as_dict() dict

Serializes the CleanRoomTableInfo into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.

classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) CleanRoomTableInfo

Deserializes the CleanRoomTableInfo from a dictionary.

class databricks.sdk.service.sharing.ColumnInfo
comment: str | None = None

User-provided free-form text description.

mask: ColumnMask | None = None
name: str | None = None

Name of Column.

nullable: bool | None = None

Whether field may be Null (default: true).

partition_index: int | None = None

Partition index for column.

position: int | None = None

Ordinal position of column (starting at position 0).

type_interval_type: str | None = None

Format of IntervalType.

type_json: str | None = None

Full data type specification, JSON-serialized.

type_name: ColumnTypeName | None = None

Name of type (INT, STRUCT, MAP, etc.).

type_precision: int | None = None

Digits of precision; required for DecimalTypes.

type_scale: int | None = None

Digits to right of decimal; Required for DecimalTypes.

type_text: str | None = None

Full data type specification as SQL/catalogString text.

as_dict() dict

Serializes the ColumnInfo into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.

classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) ColumnInfo

Deserializes the ColumnInfo from a dictionary.

class databricks.sdk.service.sharing.ColumnMask
function_name: str | None = None

The full name of the column mask SQL UDF.

using_column_names: List[str] | None = None

The list of additional table columns to be passed as input to the column mask function. The first arg of the mask function should be of the type of the column being masked and the types of the rest of the args should match the types of columns in ‘using_column_names’.

as_dict() dict

Serializes the ColumnMask into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.

classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) ColumnMask

Deserializes the ColumnMask from a dictionary.

class databricks.sdk.service.sharing.ColumnTypeName

Name of type (INT, STRUCT, MAP, etc.).

class databricks.sdk.service.sharing.CreateCleanRoom
name: str

Name of the clean room.

remote_detailed_info: CentralCleanRoomInfo

Central clean room details.

comment: str | None = None

User-provided free-form text description.

as_dict() dict

Serializes the CreateCleanRoom into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.

classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) CreateCleanRoom

Deserializes the CreateCleanRoom from a dictionary.

class databricks.sdk.service.sharing.CreateProvider
name: str

The name of the Provider.

authentication_type: AuthenticationType

The delta sharing authentication type.

comment: str | None = None

Description about the provider.

recipient_profile_str: str | None = None

This field is required when the __authentication_type__ is TOKEN or not provided.

as_dict() dict

Serializes the CreateProvider into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.

classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) CreateProvider

Deserializes the CreateProvider from a dictionary.

class databricks.sdk.service.sharing.CreateRecipient
name: str

Name of Recipient.

authentication_type: AuthenticationType

The delta sharing authentication type.

comment: str | None = None

Description about the recipient.

data_recipient_global_metastore_id: str | None = None

The global Unity Catalog metastore id provided by the data recipient. This field is required when the __authentication_type__ is DATABRICKS. The identifier is of format __cloud__:__region__:__metastore-uuid__.

ip_access_list: IpAccessList | None = None

IP Access List

owner: str | None = None

Username of the recipient owner.

properties_kvpairs: SecurablePropertiesKvPairs | None = None

Recipient properties as map of string key-value pairs.

sharing_code: str | None = None

The one-time sharing code provided by the data recipient. This field is required when the __authentication_type__ is DATABRICKS.

as_dict() dict

Serializes the CreateRecipient into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.

classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) CreateRecipient

Deserializes the CreateRecipient from a dictionary.

class databricks.sdk.service.sharing.CreateShare
name: str

Name of the share.

comment: str | None = None

User-provided free-form text description.

as_dict() dict

Serializes the CreateShare into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.

classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) CreateShare

Deserializes the CreateShare from a dictionary.

class databricks.sdk.service.sharing.DeleteResponse
as_dict() dict

Serializes the DeleteResponse into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.

classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) DeleteResponse

Deserializes the DeleteResponse from a dictionary.

class databricks.sdk.service.sharing.GetActivationUrlInfoResponse
as_dict() dict

Serializes the GetActivationUrlInfoResponse into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.

classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) GetActivationUrlInfoResponse

Deserializes the GetActivationUrlInfoResponse from a dictionary.

class databricks.sdk.service.sharing.GetRecipientSharePermissionsResponse
permissions_out: List[ShareToPrivilegeAssignment] | None = None

An array of data share permissions for a recipient.

as_dict() dict

Serializes the GetRecipientSharePermissionsResponse into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.

classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) GetRecipientSharePermissionsResponse

Deserializes the GetRecipientSharePermissionsResponse from a dictionary.

class databricks.sdk.service.sharing.IpAccessList
allowed_ip_addresses: List[str] | None = None

Allowed IP Addresses in CIDR notation. Limit of 100.

as_dict() dict

Serializes the IpAccessList into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.

classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) IpAccessList

Deserializes the IpAccessList from a dictionary.

class databricks.sdk.service.sharing.ListCleanRoomsResponse
clean_rooms: List[CleanRoomInfo] | None = None

An array of clean rooms. Remote details (central) are not included.

next_page_token: str | None = None

Opaque token to retrieve the next page of results. Absent if there are no more pages. __page_token__ should be set to this value for the next request (for the next page of results).

as_dict() dict

Serializes the ListCleanRoomsResponse into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.

classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) ListCleanRoomsResponse

Deserializes the ListCleanRoomsResponse from a dictionary.

class databricks.sdk.service.sharing.ListProviderSharesResponse
shares: List[ProviderShare] | None = None

An array of provider shares.

as_dict() dict

Serializes the ListProviderSharesResponse into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.

classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) ListProviderSharesResponse

Deserializes the ListProviderSharesResponse from a dictionary.

class databricks.sdk.service.sharing.ListProvidersResponse
providers: List[ProviderInfo] | None = None

An array of provider information objects.

as_dict() dict

Serializes the ListProvidersResponse into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.

classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) ListProvidersResponse

Deserializes the ListProvidersResponse from a dictionary.

class databricks.sdk.service.sharing.ListRecipientsResponse
recipients: List[RecipientInfo] | None = None

An array of recipient information objects.

as_dict() dict

Serializes the ListRecipientsResponse into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.

classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) ListRecipientsResponse

Deserializes the ListRecipientsResponse from a dictionary.

class databricks.sdk.service.sharing.ListSharesResponse
shares: List[ShareInfo] | None = None

An array of data share information objects.

as_dict() dict

Serializes the ListSharesResponse into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.

classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) ListSharesResponse

Deserializes the ListSharesResponse from a dictionary.

class databricks.sdk.service.sharing.Partition
values: List[PartitionValue] | None = None

An array of partition values.

as_dict() dict

Serializes the Partition into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.

classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) Partition

Deserializes the Partition from a dictionary.

class databricks.sdk.service.sharing.PartitionValue
name: str | None = None

The name of the partition column.

op: PartitionValueOp | None = None

The operator to apply for the value.

recipient_property_key: str | None = None

The key of a Delta Sharing recipient’s property. For example databricks-account-id. When this field is set, field value can not be set.

value: str | None = None

The value of the partition column. When this value is not set, it means null value. When this field is set, field recipient_property_key can not be set.

as_dict() dict

Serializes the PartitionValue into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.

classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) PartitionValue

Deserializes the PartitionValue from a dictionary.

class databricks.sdk.service.sharing.PartitionValueOp

The operator to apply for the value.

class databricks.sdk.service.sharing.Privilege
class databricks.sdk.service.sharing.PrivilegeAssignment
principal: str | None = None

The principal (user email address or group name).

privileges: List[Privilege] | None = None

The privileges assigned to the principal.

as_dict() dict

Serializes the PrivilegeAssignment into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.

classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) PrivilegeAssignment

Deserializes the PrivilegeAssignment from a dictionary.

class databricks.sdk.service.sharing.ProviderInfo
authentication_type: AuthenticationType | None = None

The delta sharing authentication type.

cloud: str | None = None

Cloud vendor of the provider’s UC metastore. This field is only present when the __authentication_type__ is DATABRICKS.

comment: str | None = None

Description about the provider.

created_at: int | None = None

Time at which this Provider was created, in epoch milliseconds.

created_by: str | None = None

Username of Provider creator.

data_provider_global_metastore_id: str | None = None

The global UC metastore id of the data provider. This field is only present when the __authentication_type__ is DATABRICKS. The identifier is of format <cloud>:<region>:<metastore-uuid>.

metastore_id: str | None = None

UUID of the provider’s UC metastore. This field is only present when the __authentication_type__ is DATABRICKS.

name: str | None = None

The name of the Provider.

owner: str | None = None

Username of Provider owner.

recipient_profile: RecipientProfile | None = None

The recipient profile. This field is only present when the authentication_type is TOKEN.

recipient_profile_str: str | None = None

This field is only present when the authentication_type is TOKEN or not provided.

region: str | None = None

Cloud region of the provider’s UC metastore. This field is only present when the __authentication_type__ is DATABRICKS.

updated_at: int | None = None

Time at which this Provider was created, in epoch milliseconds.

updated_by: str | None = None

Username of user who last modified Share.

as_dict() dict

Serializes the ProviderInfo into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.

classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) ProviderInfo

Deserializes the ProviderInfo from a dictionary.

class databricks.sdk.service.sharing.ProviderShare
name: str | None = None

The name of the Provider Share.

as_dict() dict

Serializes the ProviderShare into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.

classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) ProviderShare

Deserializes the ProviderShare from a dictionary.

class databricks.sdk.service.sharing.RecipientInfo
activated: bool | None = None

A boolean status field showing whether the Recipient’s activation URL has been exercised or not.

activation_url: str | None = None

Full activation url to retrieve the access token. It will be empty if the token is already retrieved.

authentication_type: AuthenticationType | None = None

The delta sharing authentication type.

cloud: str | None = None

Cloud vendor of the recipient’s Unity Catalog Metstore. This field is only present when the __authentication_type__ is **DATABRICKS**`.

comment: str | None = None

Description about the recipient.

created_at: int | None = None

Time at which this recipient was created, in epoch milliseconds.

created_by: str | None = None

Username of recipient creator.

data_recipient_global_metastore_id: str | None = None

The global Unity Catalog metastore id provided by the data recipient. This field is only present when the __authentication_type__ is DATABRICKS. The identifier is of format __cloud__:__region__:__metastore-uuid__.

ip_access_list: IpAccessList | None = None

IP Access List

metastore_id: str | None = None

Unique identifier of recipient’s Unity Catalog metastore. This field is only present when the __authentication_type__ is DATABRICKS

name: str | None = None

Name of Recipient.

owner: str | None = None

Username of the recipient owner.

properties_kvpairs: SecurablePropertiesKvPairs | None = None

Recipient properties as map of string key-value pairs.

region: str | None = None

Cloud region of the recipient’s Unity Catalog Metstore. This field is only present when the __authentication_type__ is DATABRICKS.

sharing_code: str | None = None

The one-time sharing code provided by the data recipient. This field is only present when the __authentication_type__ is DATABRICKS.

tokens: List[RecipientTokenInfo] | None = None

This field is only present when the __authentication_type__ is TOKEN.

updated_at: int | None = None

Time at which the recipient was updated, in epoch milliseconds.

updated_by: str | None = None

Username of recipient updater.

as_dict() dict

Serializes the RecipientInfo into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.

classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) RecipientInfo

Deserializes the RecipientInfo from a dictionary.

class databricks.sdk.service.sharing.RecipientProfile
bearer_token: str | None = None

The token used to authorize the recipient.

endpoint: str | None = None

The endpoint for the share to be used by the recipient.

share_credentials_version: int | None = None

The version number of the recipient’s credentials on a share.

as_dict() dict

Serializes the RecipientProfile into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.

classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) RecipientProfile

Deserializes the RecipientProfile from a dictionary.

class databricks.sdk.service.sharing.RecipientTokenInfo
activation_url: str | None = None

Full activation URL to retrieve the access token. It will be empty if the token is already retrieved.

created_at: int | None = None

Time at which this recipient Token was created, in epoch milliseconds.

created_by: str | None = None

Username of recipient token creator.

expiration_time: int | None = None

Expiration timestamp of the token in epoch milliseconds.

id: str | None = None

Unique ID of the recipient token.

updated_at: int | None = None

Time at which this recipient Token was updated, in epoch milliseconds.

updated_by: str | None = None

Username of recipient Token updater.

as_dict() dict

Serializes the RecipientTokenInfo into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.

classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) RecipientTokenInfo

Deserializes the RecipientTokenInfo from a dictionary.

class databricks.sdk.service.sharing.RetrieveTokenResponse
bearer_token: str | None = None

The token used to authorize the recipient.

endpoint: str | None = None

The endpoint for the share to be used by the recipient.

expiration_time: str | None = None

Expiration timestamp of the token in epoch milliseconds.

share_credentials_version: int | None = None

These field names must follow the delta sharing protocol.

as_dict() dict

Serializes the RetrieveTokenResponse into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.

classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) RetrieveTokenResponse

Deserializes the RetrieveTokenResponse from a dictionary.

class databricks.sdk.service.sharing.RotateRecipientToken
existing_token_expire_in_seconds: int

The expiration time of the bearer token in ISO 8601 format. This will set the expiration_time of existing token only to a smaller timestamp, it cannot extend the expiration_time. Use 0 to expire the existing token immediately, negative number will return an error.

name: str | None = None

The name of the recipient.

as_dict() dict

Serializes the RotateRecipientToken into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.

classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) RotateRecipientToken

Deserializes the RotateRecipientToken from a dictionary.

class databricks.sdk.service.sharing.SecurablePropertiesKvPairs

An object with __properties__ containing map of key-value properties attached to the securable.

properties: Dict[str, str]

A map of key-value properties attached to the securable.

as_dict() dict

Serializes the SecurablePropertiesKvPairs into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.

classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) SecurablePropertiesKvPairs

Deserializes the SecurablePropertiesKvPairs from a dictionary.

class databricks.sdk.service.sharing.ShareInfo
comment: str | None = None

User-provided free-form text description.

created_at: int | None = None

Time at which this share was created, in epoch milliseconds.

created_by: str | None = None

Username of share creator.

name: str | None = None

Name of the share.

objects: List[SharedDataObject] | None = None

A list of shared data objects within the share.

owner: str | None = None

Username of current owner of share.

updated_at: int | None = None

Time at which this share was updated, in epoch milliseconds.

updated_by: str | None = None

Username of share updater.

as_dict() dict

Serializes the ShareInfo into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.

classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) ShareInfo

Deserializes the ShareInfo from a dictionary.

class databricks.sdk.service.sharing.ShareToPrivilegeAssignment
privilege_assignments: List[PrivilegeAssignment] | None = None

The privileges assigned to the principal.

share_name: str | None = None

The share name.

as_dict() dict

Serializes the ShareToPrivilegeAssignment into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.

classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) ShareToPrivilegeAssignment

Deserializes the ShareToPrivilegeAssignment from a dictionary.

class databricks.sdk.service.sharing.SharedDataObject
name: str

A fully qualified name that uniquely identifies a data object.

For example, a table’s fully qualified name is in the format of <catalog>.<schema>.<table>.

added_at: int | None = None

The time when this data object is added to the share, in epoch milliseconds.

added_by: str | None = None

Username of the sharer.

cdf_enabled: bool | None = None

Whether to enable cdf or indicate if cdf is enabled on the shared object.

comment: str | None = None

A user-provided comment when adding the data object to the share. [Update:OPT]

content: str | None = None

The content of the notebook file when the data object type is NOTEBOOK_FILE. This should be base64 encoded. Required for adding a NOTEBOOK_FILE, optional for updating, ignored for other types.

data_object_type: SharedDataObjectDataObjectType | None = None

The type of the data object.

history_data_sharing_status: SharedDataObjectHistoryDataSharingStatus | None = None

Whether to enable or disable sharing of data history. If not specified, the default is DISABLED.

partitions: List[Partition] | None = None

Array of partitions for the shared data.

shared_as: str | None = None

A user-provided new name for the data object within the share. If this new name is not provided, the object’s original name will be used as the shared_as name. The shared_as name must be unique within a share. For tables, the new name must follow the format of <schema>.<table>.

start_version: int | None = None

The start version associated with the object. This allows data providers to control the lowest object version that is accessible by clients. If specified, clients can query snapshots or changes for versions >= start_version. If not specified, clients can only query starting from the version of the object at the time it was added to the share.

NOTE: The start_version should be <= the current version of the object.

status: SharedDataObjectStatus | None = None


string_shared_as: str | None = None

A user-provided new name for the data object within the share. If this new name is not provided, the object’s original name will be used as the string_shared_as name. The string_shared_as name must be unique within a share. For notebooks, the new name should be the new notebook file name.

as_dict() dict

Serializes the SharedDataObject into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.

classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) SharedDataObject

Deserializes the SharedDataObject from a dictionary.

class databricks.sdk.service.sharing.SharedDataObjectDataObjectType

The type of the data object.

class databricks.sdk.service.sharing.SharedDataObjectHistoryDataSharingStatus

Whether to enable or disable sharing of data history. If not specified, the default is DISABLED.

class databricks.sdk.service.sharing.SharedDataObjectStatus


class databricks.sdk.service.sharing.SharedDataObjectUpdate
action: SharedDataObjectUpdateAction | None = None


data_object: SharedDataObject | None = None

The data object that is being added, removed, or updated.

as_dict() dict

Serializes the SharedDataObjectUpdate into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.

classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) SharedDataObjectUpdate

Deserializes the SharedDataObjectUpdate from a dictionary.

class databricks.sdk.service.sharing.SharedDataObjectUpdateAction


class databricks.sdk.service.sharing.UpdateCleanRoom
catalog_updates: List[CleanRoomCatalogUpdate] | None = None

Array of shared data object updates.

comment: str | None = None

User-provided free-form text description.

name: str | None = None

The name of the clean room.

owner: str | None = None

Username of current owner of clean room.

as_dict() dict

Serializes the UpdateCleanRoom into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.

classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) UpdateCleanRoom

Deserializes the UpdateCleanRoom from a dictionary.

class databricks.sdk.service.sharing.UpdatePermissionsResponse
as_dict() dict

Serializes the UpdatePermissionsResponse into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.

classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) UpdatePermissionsResponse

Deserializes the UpdatePermissionsResponse from a dictionary.

class databricks.sdk.service.sharing.UpdateProvider
comment: str | None = None

Description about the provider.

name: str | None = None

Name of the provider.

new_name: str | None = None

New name for the provider.

owner: str | None = None

Username of Provider owner.

recipient_profile_str: str | None = None

This field is required when the __authentication_type__ is TOKEN or not provided.

as_dict() dict

Serializes the UpdateProvider into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.

classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) UpdateProvider

Deserializes the UpdateProvider from a dictionary.

class databricks.sdk.service.sharing.UpdateRecipient
comment: str | None = None

Description about the recipient.

ip_access_list: IpAccessList | None = None

IP Access List

name: str | None = None

Name of the recipient.

new_name: str | None = None

New name for the recipient.

owner: str | None = None

Username of the recipient owner.

properties_kvpairs: SecurablePropertiesKvPairs | None = None

Recipient properties as map of string key-value pairs. When provided in update request, the specified properties will override the existing properties. To add and remove properties, one would need to perform a read-modify-write.

as_dict() dict

Serializes the UpdateRecipient into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.

classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) UpdateRecipient

Deserializes the UpdateRecipient from a dictionary.

class databricks.sdk.service.sharing.UpdateResponse
as_dict() dict

Serializes the UpdateResponse into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.

classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) UpdateResponse

Deserializes the UpdateResponse from a dictionary.

class databricks.sdk.service.sharing.UpdateShare
comment: str | None = None

User-provided free-form text description.

name: str | None = None

The name of the share.

new_name: str | None = None

New name for the share.

owner: str | None = None

Username of current owner of share.

updates: List[SharedDataObjectUpdate] | None = None

Array of shared data object updates.

as_dict() dict

Serializes the UpdateShare into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.

classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) UpdateShare

Deserializes the UpdateShare from a dictionary.

class databricks.sdk.service.sharing.UpdateSharePermissions
changes: List[PermissionsChange] | None = None

Array of permission changes.

name: str | None = None

The name of the share.

as_dict() dict

Serializes the UpdateSharePermissions into a dictionary suitable for use as a JSON request body.

classmethod from_dict(d: Dict[str, any]) UpdateSharePermissions

Deserializes the UpdateSharePermissions from a dictionary.