a.log_delivery: Log delivery configurations

class databricks.sdk.service.billing.LogDeliveryAPI

These APIs manage log delivery configurations for this account. The two supported log types for this API are _billable usage logs_ and _audit logs_. This feature is in Public Preview. This feature works with all account ID types.

Log delivery works with all account types. However, if your account is on the E2 version of the platform or on a select custom plan that allows multiple workspaces per account, you can optionally configure different storage destinations for each workspace. Log delivery status is also provided to know the latest status of log delivery attempts. The high-level flow of billable usage delivery:

1. Create storage: In AWS, [create a new AWS S3 bucket] with a specific bucket policy. Using Databricks APIs, call the Account API to create a [storage configuration object](:method:Storage/Create) that uses the bucket name. 2. Create credentials: In AWS, create the appropriate AWS IAM role. For full details, including the required IAM role policies and trust relationship, see [Billable usage log delivery]. Using Databricks APIs, call the Account API to create a [credential configuration object](:method:Credentials/Create) that uses the IAM role”s ARN. 3. Create log delivery configuration: Using Databricks APIs, call the Account API to [create a log delivery configuration](:method:LogDelivery/Create) that uses the credential and storage configuration objects from previous steps. You can specify if the logs should include all events of that log type in your account (_Account level_ delivery) or only events for a specific set of workspaces (_workspace level_ delivery). Account level log delivery applies to all current and future workspaces plus account level logs, while workspace level log delivery solely delivers logs related to the specified workspaces. You can create multiple types of delivery configurations per account.

For billable usage delivery: * For more information about billable usage logs, see [Billable usage log delivery]. For the CSV schema, see the [Usage page]. * The delivery location is <bucket-name>/<prefix>/billable-usage/csv/, where <prefix> is the name of the optional delivery path prefix you set up during log delivery configuration. Files are named workspaceId=<workspace-id>-usageMonth=<month>.csv. * All billable usage logs apply to specific workspaces (_workspace level_ logs). You can aggregate usage for your entire account by creating an _account level_ delivery configuration that delivers logs for all current and future workspaces in your account. * The files are delivered daily by overwriting the month’s CSV file for each workspace.

For audit log delivery: * For more information about about audit log delivery, see [Audit log delivery], which includes information about the used JSON schema. * The delivery location is <bucket-name>/<delivery-path-prefix>/workspaceId=<workspaceId>/date=<yyyy-mm-dd>/auditlogs_<internal-id>.json. Files may get overwritten with the same content multiple times to achieve exactly-once delivery. * If the audit log delivery configuration included specific workspace IDs, only _workspace-level_ audit logs for those workspaces are delivered. If the log delivery configuration applies to the entire account (_account level_ delivery configuration), the audit log delivery includes workspace-level audit logs for all workspaces in the account as well as account-level audit logs. See [Audit log delivery] for details. * Auditable events are typically available in logs within 15 minutes.

[Audit log delivery]: https://docs.databricks.com/administration-guide/account-settings/audit-logs.html [Billable usage log delivery]: https://docs.databricks.com/administration-guide/account-settings/billable-usage-delivery.html [Usage page]: https://docs.databricks.com/administration-guide/account-settings/usage.html [create a new AWS S3 bucket]: https://docs.databricks.com/administration-guide/account-api/aws-storage.html

create([, log_delivery_configuration: Optional[CreateLogDeliveryConfigurationParams]]) WrappedLogDeliveryConfiguration


import os
import time

from databricks.sdk import AccountClient
from databricks.sdk.service import billing, provisioning

a = AccountClient()

bucket = a.storage.create(storage_configuration_name=f'sdk-{time.time_ns()}',

creds = a.credentials.create(

created = a.log_delivery.create(log_delivery_configuration=billing.CreateLogDeliveryConfigurationParams(

# cleanup

Create a new log delivery configuration.

Creates a new Databricks log delivery configuration to enable delivery of the specified type of logs to your storage location. This requires that you already created a [credential object](:method:Credentials/Create) (which encapsulates a cross-account service IAM role) and a [storage configuration object](:method:Storage/Create) (which encapsulates an S3 bucket).

For full details, including the required IAM role policies and bucket policies, see [Deliver and access billable usage logs] or [Configure audit logging].

Note: There is a limit on the number of log delivery configurations available per account (each limit applies separately to each log type including billable usage and audit logs). You can create a maximum of two enabled account-level delivery configurations (configurations without a workspace filter) per type. Additionally, you can create two enabled workspace-level delivery configurations per workspace for each log type, which means that the same workspace ID can occur in the workspace filter for no more than two delivery configurations per log type.

You cannot delete a log delivery configuration, but you can disable it (see [Enable or disable log delivery configuration](:method:LogDelivery/PatchStatus)).

[Configure audit logging]: https://docs.databricks.com/administration-guide/account-settings/audit-logs.html [Deliver and access billable usage logs]: https://docs.databricks.com/administration-guide/account-settings/billable-usage-delivery.html


log_delivery_configurationCreateLogDeliveryConfigurationParams (optional)



get(log_delivery_configuration_id: str) WrappedLogDeliveryConfiguration


import os
import time

from databricks.sdk import AccountClient
from databricks.sdk.service import billing, provisioning

a = AccountClient()

bucket = a.storage.create(storage_configuration_name=f'sdk-{time.time_ns()}',

creds = a.credentials.create(

created = a.log_delivery.create(log_delivery_configuration=billing.CreateLogDeliveryConfigurationParams(

by_id = a.log_delivery.get(log_delivery_configuration_id=created.log_delivery_configuration.config_id)

# cleanup

Get log delivery configuration.

Gets a Databricks log delivery configuration object for an account, both specified by ID.


log_delivery_configuration_id – str Databricks log delivery configuration ID



list([, credentials_id: Optional[str], status: Optional[LogDeliveryConfigStatus], storage_configuration_id: Optional[str]]) Iterator[LogDeliveryConfiguration]


from databricks.sdk import AccountClient
from databricks.sdk.service import billing

a = AccountClient()

all = a.log_delivery.list(billing.ListLogDeliveryRequest())

Get all log delivery configurations.

Gets all Databricks log delivery configurations associated with an account specified by ID.

  • credentials_id – str (optional) Filter by credential configuration ID.

  • statusLogDeliveryConfigStatus (optional) Filter by status ENABLED or DISABLED.

  • storage_configuration_id – str (optional) Filter by storage configuration ID.


Iterator over LogDeliveryConfiguration

patch_status(log_delivery_configuration_id: str, status: LogDeliveryConfigStatus)

Enable or disable log delivery configuration.

Enables or disables a log delivery configuration. Deletion of delivery configurations is not supported, so disable log delivery configurations that are no longer needed. Note that you can’t re-enable a delivery configuration if this would violate the delivery configuration limits described under [Create log delivery](:method:LogDelivery/Create).

  • log_delivery_configuration_id – str Databricks log delivery configuration ID

  • statusLogDeliveryConfigStatus Status of log delivery configuration. Set to ENABLED (enabled) or DISABLED (disabled). Defaults to ENABLED. You can [enable or disable the configuration](#operation/patch-log-delivery-config-status) later. Deletion of a configuration is not supported, so disable a log delivery configuration that is no longer needed.