a.workspaces: Workspaces

class databricks.sdk.service.provisioning.WorkspacesAPI

These APIs manage workspaces for this account. A Databricks workspace is an environment for accessing all of your Databricks assets. The workspace organizes objects (notebooks, libraries, and experiments) into folders, and provides access to data and computational resources such as clusters and jobs.

These endpoints are available if your account is on the E2 version of the platform or on a select custom plan that allows multiple workspaces per account.

create(workspace_name: str [, aws_region: Optional[str], cloud: Optional[str], cloud_resource_container: Optional[CloudResourceContainer], credentials_id: Optional[str], custom_tags: Optional[Dict[str, str]], deployment_name: Optional[str], gcp_managed_network_config: Optional[GcpManagedNetworkConfig], gke_config: Optional[GkeConfig], location: Optional[str], managed_services_customer_managed_key_id: Optional[str], network_id: Optional[str], pricing_tier: Optional[PricingTier], private_access_settings_id: Optional[str], storage_configuration_id: Optional[str], storage_customer_managed_key_id: Optional[str]]) Wait[Workspace]


import os
import time

from databricks.sdk import AccountClient
from databricks.sdk.service import provisioning

a = AccountClient()

storage = a.storage.create(

role = a.credentials.create(

created = a.workspaces.create(workspace_name=f'sdk-{time.time_ns()}',

# cleanup

Create a new workspace.

Creates a new workspace.

Important: This operation is asynchronous. A response with HTTP status code 200 means the request has been accepted and is in progress, but does not mean that the workspace deployed successfully and is running. The initial workspace status is typically PROVISIONING. Use the workspace ID (workspace_id) field in the response to identify the new workspace and make repeated GET requests with the workspace ID and check its status. The workspace becomes available when the status changes to RUNNING.

  • workspace_name – str The workspace’s human-readable name.

  • aws_region – str (optional) The AWS region of the workspace’s data plane.

  • cloud – str (optional) The cloud provider which the workspace uses. For Google Cloud workspaces, always set this field to gcp.

  • cloud_resource_containerCloudResourceContainer (optional) The general workspace configurations that are specific to cloud providers.

  • credentials_id – str (optional) ID of the workspace’s credential configuration object.

  • custom_tags – Dict[str,str] (optional) The custom tags key-value pairing that is attached to this workspace. The key-value pair is a string of utf-8 characters. The value can be an empty string, with maximum length of 255 characters. The key can be of maximum length of 127 characters, and cannot be empty.

  • deployment_name

    str (optional) The deployment name defines part of the subdomain for the workspace. The workspace URL for the web application and REST APIs is <workspace-deployment-name>.cloud.databricks.com. For example, if the deployment name is abcsales, your workspace URL will be https://abcsales.cloud.databricks.com. Hyphens are allowed. This property supports only the set of characters that are allowed in a subdomain.

    To set this value, you must have a deployment name prefix. Contact your Databricks account team to add an account deployment name prefix to your account.

    Workspace deployment names follow the account prefix and a hyphen. For example, if your account’s deployment prefix is acme and the workspace deployment name is workspace-1, the JSON response for the deployment_name field becomes acme-workspace-1. The workspace URL would be acme-workspace-1.cloud.databricks.com.

    You can also set the deployment_name to the reserved keyword EMPTY if you want the deployment name to only include the deployment prefix. For example, if your account’s deployment prefix is acme and the workspace deployment name is EMPTY, the deployment_name becomes acme only and the workspace URL is acme.cloud.databricks.com.

    This value must be unique across all non-deleted deployments across all AWS regions.

    If a new workspace omits this property, the server generates a unique deployment name for you with the pattern dbc-xxxxxxxx-xxxx.

  • gcp_managed_network_config

    GcpManagedNetworkConfig (optional) The network settings for the workspace. The configurations are only for Databricks-managed VPCs. It is ignored if you specify a customer-managed VPC in the network_id field.”, All the IP range configurations must be mutually exclusive. An attempt to create a workspace fails if Databricks detects an IP range overlap.

    Specify custom IP ranges in CIDR format. The IP ranges for these fields must not overlap, and all IP addresses must be entirely within the following ranges:,,,, and

    The sizes of these IP ranges affect the maximum number of nodes for the workspace.

    Important: Confirm the IP ranges used by your Databricks workspace before creating the workspace. You cannot change them after your workspace is deployed. If the IP address ranges for your Databricks are too small, IP exhaustion can occur, causing your Databricks jobs to fail. To determine the address range sizes that you need, Databricks provides a calculator as a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. See [calculate subnet sizes for a new workspace].

    [calculate subnet sizes for a new workspace]: https://docs.gcp.databricks.com/administration-guide/cloud-configurations/gcp/network-sizing.html

  • gke_configGkeConfig (optional) The configurations for the GKE cluster of a Databricks workspace.

  • location – str (optional) The Google Cloud region of the workspace data plane in your Google account. For example, us-east4.

  • managed_services_customer_managed_key_id – str (optional) The ID of the workspace’s managed services encryption key configuration object. This is used to help protect and control access to the workspace’s notebooks, secrets, Databricks SQL queries, and query history. The provided key configuration object property use_cases must contain MANAGED_SERVICES.

  • network_id – str (optional)

  • pricing_tier

    PricingTier (optional) The pricing tier of the workspace. For pricing tier information, see [AWS Pricing].

    [AWS Pricing]: https://databricks.com/product/aws-pricing

  • private_access_settings_id

    str (optional) ID of the workspace’s private access settings object. Only used for PrivateLink. This ID must be specified for customers using [AWS PrivateLink] for either front-end (user-to-workspace connection), back-end (data plane to control plane connection), or both connection types.

    Before configuring PrivateLink, read the [Databricks article about PrivateLink].”,

    [AWS PrivateLink]: https://aws.amazon.com/privatelink/ [Databricks article about PrivateLink]: https://docs.databricks.com/administration-guide/cloud-configurations/aws/privatelink.html

  • storage_configuration_id – str (optional) The ID of the workspace’s storage configuration object.

  • storage_customer_managed_key_id – str (optional) The ID of the workspace’s storage encryption key configuration object. This is used to encrypt the workspace’s root S3 bucket (root DBFS and system data) and, optionally, cluster EBS volumes. The provided key configuration object property use_cases must contain STORAGE.


Long-running operation waiter for Workspace. See :method:wait_get_workspace_running for more details.

create_and_wait(workspace_name: str [, aws_region: Optional[str], cloud: Optional[str], cloud_resource_container: Optional[CloudResourceContainer], credentials_id: Optional[str], custom_tags: Optional[Dict[str, str]], deployment_name: Optional[str], gcp_managed_network_config: Optional[GcpManagedNetworkConfig], gke_config: Optional[GkeConfig], location: Optional[str], managed_services_customer_managed_key_id: Optional[str], network_id: Optional[str], pricing_tier: Optional[PricingTier], private_access_settings_id: Optional[str], storage_configuration_id: Optional[str], storage_customer_managed_key_id: Optional[str], timeout: datetime.timedelta = 0:20:00]) Workspace
delete(workspace_id: int)

Delete a workspace.

Terminates and deletes a Databricks workspace. From an API perspective, deletion is immediate. However, it might take a few minutes for all workspaces resources to be deleted, depending on the size and number of workspace resources.

This operation is available only if your account is on the E2 version of the platform or on a select custom plan that allows multiple workspaces per account.


workspace_id – int Workspace ID.

get(workspace_id: int) Workspace


import os
import time

from databricks.sdk import AccountClient
from databricks.sdk.service import provisioning

a = AccountClient()

storage = a.storage.create(

role = a.credentials.create(

created = a.workspaces.create(workspace_name=f'sdk-{time.time_ns()}',

by_id = a.workspaces.get(workspace_id=created.workspace_id)

# cleanup

Get a workspace.

Gets information including status for a Databricks workspace, specified by ID. In the response, the workspace_status field indicates the current status. After initial workspace creation (which is asynchronous), make repeated GET requests with the workspace ID and check its status. The workspace becomes available when the status changes to RUNNING.

For information about how to create a new workspace with this API including error handling, see [Create a new workspace using the Account API].

This operation is available only if your account is on the E2 version of the platform or on a select custom plan that allows multiple workspaces per account.

[Create a new workspace using the Account API]: http://docs.databricks.com/administration-guide/account-api/new-workspace.html


workspace_id – int Workspace ID.



list() Iterator[Workspace]


from databricks.sdk import AccountClient

a = AccountClient()

all = a.workspaces.list()

Get all workspaces.

Gets a list of all workspaces associated with an account, specified by ID.

This operation is available only if your account is on the E2 version of the platform or on a select custom plan that allows multiple workspaces per account.


Iterator over Workspace

update(workspace_id: int [, aws_region: Optional[str], credentials_id: Optional[str], custom_tags: Optional[Dict[str, str]], managed_services_customer_managed_key_id: Optional[str], network_connectivity_config_id: Optional[str], network_id: Optional[str], storage_configuration_id: Optional[str], storage_customer_managed_key_id: Optional[str]]) Wait[Workspace]


import os
import time

from databricks.sdk import AccountClient
from databricks.sdk.service import provisioning

a = AccountClient()

storage = a.storage.create(

role = a.credentials.create(

update_role = a.credentials.create(

created = a.workspaces.create(workspace_name=f'sdk-{time.time_ns()}',

_ = a.workspaces.update(workspace_id=created.workspace_id, credentials_id=update_role.credentials_id).result()

# cleanup

Update workspace configuration.

Updates a workspace configuration for either a running workspace or a failed workspace. The elements that can be updated varies between these two use cases.

### Update a failed workspace You can update a Databricks workspace configuration for failed workspace deployment for some fields, but not all fields. For a failed workspace, this request supports updates to the following fields only: - Credential configuration ID - Storage configuration ID - Network configuration ID. Used only to add or change a network configuration for a customer-managed VPC. For a failed workspace only, you can convert a workspace with Databricks-managed VPC to use a customer-managed VPC by adding this ID. You cannot downgrade a workspace with a customer-managed VPC to be a Databricks-managed VPC. You can update the network configuration for a failed or running workspace to add PrivateLink support, though you must also add a private access settings object. - Key configuration ID for managed services (control plane storage, such as notebook source and Databricks SQL queries). Used only if you use customer-managed keys for managed services. - Key configuration ID for workspace storage (root S3 bucket and, optionally, EBS volumes). Used only if you use customer-managed keys for workspace storage. Important: If the workspace was ever in the running state, even if briefly before becoming a failed workspace, you cannot add a new key configuration ID for workspace storage. - Private access settings ID to add PrivateLink support. You can add or update the private access settings ID to upgrade a workspace to add support for front-end, back-end, or both types of connectivity. You cannot remove (downgrade) any existing front-end or back-end PrivateLink support on a workspace. - Custom tags. Given you provide an empty custom tags, the update would not be applied. - Network connectivity configuration ID to add serverless stable IP support. You can add or update the network connectivity configuration ID to ensure the workspace uses the same set of stable IP CIDR blocks to access your resources. You cannot remove a network connectivity configuration from the workspace once attached, you can only switch to another one.

After calling the PATCH operation to update the workspace configuration, make repeated GET requests with the workspace ID and check the workspace status. The workspace is successful if the status changes to RUNNING.

For information about how to create a new workspace with this API including error handling, see [Create a new workspace using the Account API].

### Update a running workspace You can update a Databricks workspace configuration for running workspaces for some fields, but not all fields. For a running workspace, this request supports updating the following fields only: - Credential configuration ID - Network configuration ID. Used only if you already use a customer-managed VPC. You cannot convert a running workspace from a Databricks-managed VPC to a customer-managed VPC. You can use a network configuration update in this API for a failed or running workspace to add support for PrivateLink, although you also need to add a private access settings object. - Key configuration ID for managed services (control plane storage, such as notebook source and Databricks SQL queries). Databricks does not directly encrypt the data with the customer-managed key (CMK). Databricks uses both the CMK and the Databricks managed key (DMK) that is unique to your workspace to encrypt the Data Encryption Key (DEK). Databricks uses the DEK to encrypt your workspace’s managed services persisted data. If the workspace does not already have a CMK for managed services, adding this ID enables managed services encryption for new or updated data. Existing managed services data that existed before adding the key remains not encrypted with the DEK until it is modified. If the workspace already has customer-managed keys for managed services, this request rotates (changes) the CMK keys and the DEK is re-encrypted with the DMK and the new CMK. - Key configuration ID for workspace storage (root S3 bucket and, optionally, EBS volumes). You can set this only if the workspace does not already have a customer-managed key configuration for workspace storage. - Private access settings ID to add PrivateLink support. You can add or update the private access settings ID to upgrade a workspace to add support for front-end, back-end, or both types of connectivity. You cannot remove (downgrade) any existing front-end or back-end PrivateLink support on a workspace. - Custom tags. Given you provide an empty custom tags, the update would not be applied. - Network connectivity configuration ID to add serverless stable IP support. You can add or update the network connectivity configuration ID to ensure the workspace uses the same set of stable IP CIDR blocks to access your resources. You cannot remove a network connectivity configuration from the workspace once attached, you can only switch to another one.

Important: To update a running workspace, your workspace must have no running compute resources that run in your workspace’s VPC in the Classic data plane. For example, stop all all-purpose clusters, job clusters, pools with running clusters, and Classic SQL warehouses. If you do not terminate all cluster instances in the workspace before calling this API, the request will fail.

### Wait until changes take effect. After calling the PATCH operation to update the workspace configuration, make repeated GET requests with the workspace ID and check the workspace status and the status of the fields. * For workspaces with a Databricks-managed VPC, the workspace status becomes PROVISIONING temporarily (typically under 20 minutes). If the workspace update is successful, the workspace status changes to RUNNING. Note that you can also check the workspace status in the [Account Console]. However, you cannot use or create clusters for another 20 minutes after that status change. This results in a total of up to 40 minutes in which you cannot create clusters. If you create or use clusters before this time interval elapses, clusters do not launch successfully, fail, or could cause other unexpected behavior. * For workspaces with a customer-managed VPC, the workspace status stays at status RUNNING and the VPC change happens immediately. A change to the storage customer-managed key configuration ID might take a few minutes to update, so continue to check the workspace until you observe that it has been updated. If the update fails, the workspace might revert silently to its original configuration. After the workspace has been updated, you cannot use or create clusters for another 20 minutes. If you create or use clusters before this time interval elapses, clusters do not launch successfully, fail, or could cause other unexpected behavior.

If you update the _storage_ customer-managed key configurations, it takes 20 minutes for the changes to fully take effect. During the 20 minute wait, it is important that you stop all REST API calls to the DBFS API. If you are modifying _only the managed services key configuration_, you can omit the 20 minute wait.

Important: Customer-managed keys and customer-managed VPCs are supported by only some deployment types and subscription types. If you have questions about availability, contact your Databricks representative.

This operation is available only if your account is on the E2 version of the platform or on a select custom plan that allows multiple workspaces per account.

[Account Console]: https://docs.databricks.com/administration-guide/account-settings-e2/account-console-e2.html [Create a new workspace using the Account API]: http://docs.databricks.com/administration-guide/account-api/new-workspace.html

  • workspace_id – int Workspace ID.

  • aws_region – str (optional) The AWS region of the workspace’s data plane (for example, us-west-2). This parameter is available only for updating failed workspaces.

  • credentials_id – str (optional) ID of the workspace’s credential configuration object. This parameter is available for updating both failed and running workspaces.

  • custom_tags – Dict[str,str] (optional) The custom tags key-value pairing that is attached to this workspace. The key-value pair is a string of utf-8 characters. The value can be an empty string, with maximum length of 255 characters. The key can be of maximum length of 127 characters, and cannot be empty.

  • managed_services_customer_managed_key_id – str (optional) The ID of the workspace’s managed services encryption key configuration object. This parameter is available only for updating failed workspaces.

  • network_connectivity_config_id – str (optional)

  • network_id – str (optional) The ID of the workspace’s network configuration object. Used only if you already use a customer-managed VPC. For failed workspaces only, you can switch from a Databricks-managed VPC to a customer-managed VPC by updating the workspace to add a network configuration ID.

  • storage_configuration_id – str (optional) The ID of the workspace’s storage configuration object. This parameter is available only for updating failed workspaces.

  • storage_customer_managed_key_id – str (optional) The ID of the key configuration object for workspace storage. This parameter is available for updating both failed and running workspaces.


Long-running operation waiter for Workspace. See :method:wait_get_workspace_running for more details.

update_and_wait(workspace_id: int [, aws_region: Optional[str], credentials_id: Optional[str], custom_tags: Optional[Dict[str, str]], managed_services_customer_managed_key_id: Optional[str], network_connectivity_config_id: Optional[str], network_id: Optional[str], storage_configuration_id: Optional[str], storage_customer_managed_key_id: Optional[str], timeout: datetime.timedelta = 0:20:00]) Workspace
wait_get_workspace_running(workspace_id: int, timeout: datetime.timedelta = 0:20:00, callback: Optional[Callable[[Workspace], None]]) Workspace