a.settings.esm_enablement_account: Enhanced Security Monitoring For New Workspaces

class databricks.sdk.service.settings.EsmEnablementAccountAPI

The enhanced security monitoring setting at the account level controls whether to enable the feature on new workspaces. By default, this account-level setting is disabled for new workspaces. After workspace creation, account admins can enable enhanced security monitoring individually for each workspace.

get([, etag: Optional[str]]) EsmEnablementAccountSetting

Get the enhanced security monitoring setting for new workspaces.

Gets the enhanced security monitoring setting for new workspaces.


etag – str (optional) etag used for versioning. The response is at least as fresh as the eTag provided. This is used for optimistic concurrency control as a way to help prevent simultaneous writes of a setting overwriting each other. It is strongly suggested that systems make use of the etag in the read -> delete pattern to perform setting deletions in order to avoid race conditions. That is, get an etag from a GET request, and pass it with the DELETE request to identify the rule set version you are deleting.



update(allow_missing: bool, setting: EsmEnablementAccountSetting, field_mask: str) EsmEnablementAccountSetting

Update the enhanced security monitoring setting for new workspaces.

Updates the value of the enhanced security monitoring setting for new workspaces.

  • allow_missing – bool This should always be set to true for Settings API. Added for AIP compliance.

  • settingEsmEnablementAccountSetting

  • field_mask – str Field mask is required to be passed into the PATCH request. Field mask specifies which fields of the setting payload will be updated. The field mask needs to be supplied as single string. To specify multiple fields in the field mask, use comma as the separator (no space).

